3 Tips For Beginning Your Wellness Journey

If you are just starting out on your wellness journey you may find yourself lost in a sea of information. It can be overwhelming when you are trying to create a healthier lifestyle because of the amount of information there is out there on what to do and what not to do. So if you are starting out on your path to wellness, I have a few recommendations to follow that will help you attain your goals. These simple tips will be life changing for you and will make the process of beginning so much easier.

start small

To build a healthier routine it will be beneficial to start with small goals and habits. This doesn’t mean taking the lazy route but it simply means starting small to create consistency. Consistency is needed to reach any health and wellness goals and in order to be consistent you need to build routines. Staring small is a key to building lasting and life changing routines. An example of this is: if you are inspired to eat healthier to reach your goals, start with one meal of the day that you will make sure to fill up on only the good stuff. Once have consistently been achieving that healthy eating goal daily, then you can move onto healthifying another meal of the day.

make it doable

Your routine doesn’t have to look like a wellness influencers routine. It just has to work for you, your schedule, your needs and your goals. For example, finding a workout routine that fits into your weekday schedule and something that you can be consistent with. If you are choosing routines and habits that you don’t have the time, budget or the need for then you are setting yourself up for set backs and extra challenges in the road ahead. Instead focus on completing habits that will help you reach your goals but that also fit into your current routine and lifestyle.

have accountability

Having people around you who share a similar health and wellness interest will be  key to your journey, especially in the beginning stages. Health and wellness can be a lonely journey which can set you back while trying to reach your goals. Having a friend to talk about health and wellness with or to go to a workout class with can be extremely beneficial to you. It can be anyone from a friend, family member, someone from your local yoga studio or health coach to help hold you accountable for completing your habits needed to reach your goals. I also recommend checking out my health and wellness coaching program where I will work alongside you to help you attain your goals and help serve you as your accountability partner.


3 Things That Your Wellness Routine Might Be Lacking


Q&A: “I feel like I am doing everything right but I am not seeing results. What am I doing wrong?”