Q&A: “I feel like I am doing everything right but I am not seeing results. What am I doing wrong?”

Undesired results can happen when you are in search of changing your body and they can even happen in maintenance mode as well. When you are feeling like you are doing everything right but you still aren’t going in the direction you want to go, it can feel discouraging.  When those feelings of discouragement hits and it feels like nothing is working, it can start to feel like everything is a waste of time and that giving up is the answer. But, sometimes you just need a little troubleshooting before you quit.

Learning to troubleshoot when you aren’t seeing the results you desire in your wellness journey can give you so much power. Often you just need to make a few minor tweaks to your diet and lifestyle to start seeing desired results. The next time you aren’t moving forward with your goals I suggest going through a simple checklist of questions to ask yourself. Having a troubleshooting checklist can help you to avoid quitting your journey, it can hep you solve any issues that may be getting in your ways of success, it can hold you accountable for your daily habits and it can help you to start moving forward in your journey. Below are a few things to add to your troubleshooting checklist for when you are feeling stagnant or feeling like you aren’t going in the right direction in your wellness journey.

Are you being consistent?

Consistency is key to reaching your goals. You become what you do regularly, not what you do once. Take a look into your past week or weeks and look at where you were consistent with your eating habits and workout routines. If you aren’t staying consistent with your eating habits and other routines then you simply won’t reach your goals.

Are you moving often?

Movement is so important. This isn’t just about your scheduled workout classes (although those are extremely important too!), this includes the other forms of natural movement like walking and stretching that add to a healthier life. Ask yourself just how active you really are in your life.

Do you have added stress in your life?

Stress can prevent you from reaching any health and wellness goal. Ask yourself if there are any outside factors that are causing stress in your life and how you might be able to minimize or eliminate stressors.

Is my diet balanced?

The word “balance” can get confusing in terms of nutrition. To keep it simple, ask yourself where the scale is tipping most of the time when you look at your current eating habits.  I have a general rule of thumb for having a balanced diet that I share in my Live Well By Kimmy’s Healthy Living Guide which you can get for free by subscribing to my email list at the bottom of this page.

In my health and wellness coaching program I work with you 1:1 to help you create and follow an effective meal plan, fitness plan and other lifestyle plans. Check out my program here.


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