3 Tips To Fuel Your Body Post-Workout On A Plant Based Diet

Fueling your body post workout is so important for muscle recovery as well as muscle growth. I believe that how you fuel your body especially after a workout can have major impacts on your wellbeing. Nutrition, in my opinion as a plant based health coach, can be confusing already and then when you try to navigate fueling post workout correctly it can get even more confusing.

If you do a quick google search for “vegan post workout” or “vegan post workout meal ideas” you will get a wide variety of meal ideas and protein powder options. While I do think that it is amazing to have access to recipes and post workout protein options, I believe that it is more important for you to know the why and how of fueling your body post workout. This will help you out in the long run because it will take away the overwhelm and confusion when choosing the right recipe and products. I have gathered 3 tips to share with you that I believe will be beneficial to you when it comes time to craft a plant based post- workout meal.

choose a protein powder that contains minimal ingredients

There are a lot of protein powders out there in the market today. Many of which are packed with artificial ingredients and fillers that can leave you feeling sluggish and bloated- the opposite of what you want to feel post sweat session. I recommend choosing a protein powder that is free from:

gums and other fillers- These are found in a lot of plant based items because they help to bind the ingredients together to avoid any natural separation. These are found in a lot of protein powder and plant based milks. When consumed too often they can cause digestive distress which causes bloating, fatigue and more.

artificial colorings and flavorings- If your banana flavored protein powder isn’t flavored by the actual banana itself then steer clear. These are added in to enhance the experience you have with a product but unfortunately these type of ingredients have been linked to things like cancer.

choose complete sources of protein

Most foods contain protein, even broccoli if you didn’t already know. But not all protein sources are created equal. While they all benefit the body, they won’t all benefit your body the same post-workout. You want to choose a complete sources of protein that contains all 9 amino acids. These include things like hempseed and quinoa. The reason this is important for post-workout is because this is what will build muscle and aid in muscle recovery. Plus, complete sources of protein are responsible for keeping you full and satiated till your next meal, helping you to avoid all day grazing and any cravings.

aim to eat within 30 minutes of working out

There are a few reasons for this. One is because this is the optimal time to replace lost glycogen from your workout. Your body uses your glycogen stores while you are working out and replacing those stores is what helps to avoid fatigue and helps aid in muscle recovery. Another is because it will help you to avoid over eating or eating anything that isn’t productive for your body. When you go too long without eating, especially after working out, you will likely reach for something that doesn’t support your goals (like something high in carbohydrates) and you’ll likely eat too much of it because of hunger. This is due to blood sugar dips and spikes. To make sure that you eat something that contains the foods your body needs, don’t go too long after a workout without eating.

This is a topic that I chat a lot about in my health and wellness coaching program. Exercise is such an important part of living well and as is learning to navigate healthy eating after a workout. If you found this blog post helpful, check out my health and wellness coaching program here where I can help guide you one on one to reach your goals.


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