3 Reasons To Start A Walking Ritual

I am an avid walker. I go out for a walk almost every single day, as long as weather permits. This daily habit started several years ago when we adopted our dog. We were living in an apartment with a very active new puppy and I needed to get him out for some exercise. So I began going for daily walks. I had never been big into walking and to be honest, I never knew there were any benefits. My belief around fitness and movement was that it had to be a lengthy and sweaty workout to receive any type of benefits or for it to be called a workout.

Most people find themselves sedentary for most of the day either because they are stuck working a desk job all day or because they are binging the latest Netflix shows on the weekends and after work. For a lot of us we aren’t moving the way our bodies were designed to move and be.

After starting my walking habit I noticed a shift in reaching my fitness and health goals. I then started to research walking and I discovered that it had more benefits than I realized:

Walking Can Increase Longevity

Have you ever heard of Blue Zones? These are few places on Earth where people are living the longest. But not just living the longest, they seem to be healthier and happier. Something that they all have in common is utilizing natural forms of movement like walking. The body was designed to move and walk which is why walking is a form of movement that the body loves.

It Can Help With Weight Management

Walking can help with weight management especially when paired with a healthy diet. When your body is in any sort of motion, you are burning calories. This includes walking. Going for a 30 minute walk can burn about 100-300 calories. Plus, if you add any incline into your workout, you are helping to build muscle which is also important for weight management. So if you were like me and thought that walking doesn’t count as a workout, I encourage you to think again.

It Can Promote A Healthy Cardiovascular System And Lower Blood Pressure

This is due to being in motion and burning calories and reducing stress (especially if done outdoors in the sun and in nature). Not only that, but exercise reduces blood vessel stiffness which allows blood to flow more easily. Whether you are doing a cardio workout or a light walk you will see these benefits.

Starting a walking routine is something that I believe can be transformative for your overall health. It is something that I am actively using in my wellness journey and encouraging in my health and wellness coaching program. If you are looking for more guidance to reach your health and wellness goals tap here to chat with me.


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