3 Ways That I Add More Fiber And Protein To My Meals

One thing that a lot of people get wrong about the plant based diet is that it is impossible to get in adequate protein. However, I believe that is a myth. I believe that it is possible to get in adequate protein at every meal without having to eat a surplus of quinoa or lentils with every meal. I do this by adding in multiple sources of protein into every meal that I eat so that I am able to get in more protein while also adding in more fiber. Below are the 3 ways that I add in more protein while also adding in fiber to my diet:

Add a sprinkle of hempseeds with every meal

Just one tablespoon of hempseed contains 3 grams of protein plus added fiber as well as omega 3s. Hempseeds are a food that don’t add much flavor or texture to a meal but they add a lot of essential vitamins and nutrients. Because they don’t boast a big flavor or texture profile, they are easy to add to just about anything. I add these to my smoothies, oat recipes, salads, sauces and I sprinkle them on any dinner. Adding a tablespoon or two to your meals will add so many incredible benefits to your meals. It is also important to note that hempseeds are a complete amino acid which makes this source of protein perfect for post workout fuel.

Add in pumpkin seeds to your meals

Half a cup of raw pumpkin seeds contains 6 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber. Imagine adding these into a salad with quinoa or on top of your dinner with grilled tofu. Just incorporating these into a meal with other added proteins can make a meal protein and fiber rich. Pumpkin seeds add a very light flavor with a nice crunchy texture when using them to top on a salad or other bowl. I love adding them into my smoothies because they become tasteless in a fruit smoothie. They can add in protein and fiber which is great for a post workout smoothie meal as well as great for balancing blood sugar levels.

Add chia seeds to your breakfast recipes

I am always adding chia seeds into my smoothies and overnight oat recipes (and even in dessert recipes!). Chia seeds are packed with fiber, they are a good source of added protein as well as a source of omega 3s. Two tablespoons of chia seeds can add 4 grams of protein to your meals. Two tablespoons of chia seeds blended into a smoothie recipe with a scoop of protein powder can make it even more of a protein rich meal. Chia seeds are entirely flavorless which makes them a great addition to smoothies and overnight oat recipes. Chia seeds will add texture if used raw and they become a gummy consistency when wet so I prefer to use them in recipes where the texture can be at least slightly hidden.

Check out my favorite protein and fiber rich smoothie here.

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