3 Things That Your Wellness Routine Might Be Lacking

Before starting any health and wellness journey it is important to know that not everything will work for everyone. One diet or type of workout may work well for someone you know but it may be wrong for you.  Health and wellness truly is not a one size fits all. However, I have found that there are many things (with bio-individuality in mind) that do remain important in every wellness routine for everyone, some that are often lacked in a routine.  I have found three things that come up often in my health and wellness coaching practice that are often missed in most routines. These things can have major benefits especially if you aren’t hitting your goals or seeing the results you wish to see in your journey.  Whenever I hear “I feel like I am doing all of the right thing but I still am not seeing results”, I find that these key elements are what are typically missing:

proper hydration

You may have heard “drink your body weight in ounces a day”. While there are people who believe this to be effective and those that believe it to be a myth, I believe that it is a good starting point.  Most of us are not drinking enough water and water is vital for our health.  It helps to support your digestion, immune system, skin health, cellular turnover, metabolic health, workouts and so much more. I believe that setting a goal such as drinking half your body weight in ounces can help you up your water intake and help keep you hydrated all while helping you to create a healthy hydration routine.  I loved using this tracking water bottle here to help me build my hydration habit.

live life full of variety

Having variety in your routine can not only help you avoid boredom with your healthy habits but also better your health.  This includes your workout routine and your nutrition habits. Trying out different style workouts and working different muscle groups daily can help you reach fitness goals and can even help you get over a plateau. For nutrition, the body loves variety!  All foods have different nutritional benefits so it is important to make sure you have variety in your meals. Try switching up your fruits and vegetables often. I personally love to switch up my smoothies every day to make sure I am getting in a variety of fruits and vegetables. I also recommend checking out my Live Well Guide To Healthier Meal Prep where I share lots of tips to keep variety in your daily meals while also utilizing meal prep.


This is one of the biggest elements that can help you reach your goals and it is so often missed. Having support on your journey can help you feel less alone, it can help boost your confidence and even keep you accountable for reaching your goals. I recommend finding an accountability partner that you can meet up with for a workout once a week or someone you can meet for coffee to chat about goals and wellness!  Having someone with you on your journey who is at a similar place in life or someone with similar goals can have major impacts on your journey.

Having a health coach can be a great tool to help you stay accountable and help you reach your goals. Check out my health and wellness program here where I can work with you side by side to help you be successful with reaching your goals.


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