7 Of My Favorite Superfoods


Superfood is not a new term but it hasn’t exactly been around for a long time either. The term superfood has only been around since the early 1900’s. Superfoods are nutritional powerhouses which mainly come from plant based sources. They are whole foods that are low in calories but have maximum amounts of micronutrients. While seemingly all vegetables and fruits are low calorie and high in vitamins and nutrients, some are more nutrient dense than others, which makes them superfoods. When I began researching superfoods, I came upon lists of “top 10 superfoods” and they all seemed to be different. I found it interesting that even on Harvard University’s Health Blog, they mentioned foods that I didn’t find on other lists that I was surprised by, like yogurt. On other lists, I saw things like ancient grains, which I didn’t find on other lists. I found this to be confusing, especially because of diet trends like dairy free and grain free. What I found interesting is that they all had something in common which was that they included a source of fat, omega 3’s and anti-inflammatory foods. The lists were very similar in that they included foods that you would find in the Mediterranean diet, which is very well known for having significant health benefits like boosting longevity.

Keep in mind that there isn’t one food on this planet that can give you everything you need, which is why a variety in fruits and vegetables is so important. It is also important to keep in mind that there is no one way of eating, and it is all about individuality.

Below I am sharing some of my favorite superfoods that you may not find in a web search for the “top 10 superfoods”.

Hemp seeds

These little seeds are a powerhouse of nutritional benefits. Hemps seeds are one of the most nutrient sense foods on the planet. Hemp seeds offer an amazing source of protein and add almost no flavor to meals. They are rich in omega-3’s and omega 6’s which are essential to brain health and overall health. They are also great sources of Vitamin E, zinc, iron and more!


Dragonfruit, also known as pitaya, gets missed on a lot of superfood lists. Dragonfruit is filled with antioxidants that can help fight off free radicals. It is also filled with Vitamin C and carotenoids which can both help reduce risk of cancer. It is also filled with fiber which is essential to optimal digestion. They also contain prebiotics which help feed the good bacteria in your gut. If healing your gut is something of interest, I recommend trying out this superfood smoothie. Dragonfruit is also rich in Vitamin C and Iron.


There are so many different coconut products out there: coconut water, coconut oil, coconut milk, etc. But often, the coconut flesh itself gets forgotten about. The flesh from coconuts contains amazing benefits. Coconut contains healthy fatty acids which are essential to overall health and brain health. Having a healthy fat intake can help promote healthy weight. Coconut also contains a high amount of fiber which aids in the digestion process. Coconut also contains Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese and more!


It is almost always the base of most savory meals, but the benefits can sometimes be forgotten about. Garlic has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties and its ability to boost athletic performance. Garlic has been found to help aid in lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, lowering risk of cancer and disease as well as fighting the common cold.


Blueberries are a powerhouse of nutrition. They are always at the top of every superfood list and for good reason. Blueberries are extremely rich in antioxidants which help fight off free radicals. Blueberries can also prevent DNA damage (DNA damage is what ages us). Blueberries are so easy to add into your everyday life, plus organic blueberries are inexpensive and can be found in grocery stores year round.


Turmeric has grown in popularity for its anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric contains curcumin which is not only a powerful antioxidant, but it also helps to boost the body’s own antioxidant enzymes. Try juicing raw turmeric in a root veggie juice or adding dry/ground turmeric into a golden milk latte: Coconut milk, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and a pinch of black pepper.


The herb that people either love or hate. Cilantro is a powerhouse of nutrition. A few of its many nutrition benefits include lowering blood sugar levels, ridding the body of healthy metals, lowers anxiety, improves sleep, prevents heart disease, and more! Cilantro is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Folate and Potassium. Some say it tastes like soap which is why a lot of people steer clear of it. There are some ways to incorporate it so you can get the benefits without the unloved taste. I like to finely chop it up and toss it with kale, lemon, avocado oil, salt, hummus and a very small amount of honey/agave nectar- this hides the “soapy” flavor but keeps the brightness of the cilantro.

Some of the other well know superfoods that are high on most lists are:

  • Avocados

  • Salmon

  • Eggs

  • Chia seeds

  • Broccoli

  • Quinoa

  • Kale

  • Apples

  • Green tea

  • Pomegranates

  • Berries

  • Walnuts

  • Beets

  • Açai

  • Flax seed

  • Legumes

  • Dark leafy greens

  • Sweet potatoes

I try to have at least 1 superfood in every single meal. This means that I try to have one nutrient dense food at every meal. The base of my meal is always the superfood then I add in other vegetables and fruits. For example: My smoothies with either be based around coconut or avocado; Lunch is based around leafy greens and cilantro; dinner is based around quinoa and garlic.

Can I live off superfoods only?

Having a diet that is rich in a variety of foods is the most beneficial. I like to make sure I have at least one of the top superfoods with every meal, meaning that I include a food with a large amount of nutritional benefits. Even though there are lists of “superfoods” on the internet, all fruits vegetables, nuts and seeds are technically superfoods in my opinion. However, some fruits and vegetables are more nutrient dense than others. Always make sure you have adequate amounts of heathy fats, protein and fiber with every meal. Then make sure to add in different fruits and vegetables to get a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients.

What is your go-to superfood of choice?! At dinner I love garlic, but for breakfast I love blueberries and coconut! Let me know yours in the comments below!

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