The 3 Items That Are Always In My Smoothies


It is no secret that I love smoothies. If you follow along on social media, you know my love for smoothies is infinite. Smoothies are more than just an opportunity to have a sweet treat for breakfast. Smoothies are an amazing opportunity to fill up on a variety of vitamins and nutrients. It is also an amazing way to get in adequate amounts of healthy fats, protein and fiber. I love them because I can add some of my favorite supplements to them and the fruit/milk hides the strange flavors or textures of them. Below are three of the items that I always have in my smoothies, no matter what type of fruit or veggie that I add in:

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are so easy to add into a smoothie. They add almost no additional flavor to the smoothie but they add so many benefits! Some of the amazing benefits include:

  • Fiber- Fiber is essential for healthy elimination (without it, we would be seriously constipated). When we are eliminating, we are getting rid of toxic waste build up in the body (toxins, excess hormones, etc.). If we aren’t eliminating properly, our bodies will recycle those toxins, excess hormones and other things back into the body and wreak havoc (causing hormone imbalances, infertility, acne, hair loss, and so much more).

  • Omega 3’s- Omega 3’s are actually hard to come by especially if you are eating a primarily plant based diet. That is why I love chia seeds in my smoothies every day! Omega 3’s help to promote healthy brain function, healthy skin and hair.

  • Chia seeds help keep you hydrated- Chia seeds are great at holding and absorbing fluid (which you may have noticed if you’ve ever made chia seed pudding) which will keep you hydrated longer (one of the many reasons why I add them in post workout!).

The combination of all of those benefits, helps benefit healthy skin and hair. Of course there are other factors, and I cannot prove this to be true, but I think chia seeds are to blame for my healthy hair and skin. I have never been able to grow my hair out long without damage, and I have never received so many compliments on my skin until I began eating chia seeds daily.

Flax seeds

My main reason for adding flax seed to my smoothies is because of the amount of fiber (which helps keep you satiated and full longer and helps to balance blood sugar levels) and omega 3’s (benefits of those listed under chia seeds). Flax seeds aren’t just a fiber powerhouse though, they also contain something called “lignans”. Lignans are compounds that are rich in antioxidants and phytoestrogens which may help lower the risk of breast cancer and other cancers.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. This is an amazing seed to add in your diet especially if you are primarily plant based. Hemp seeds are filled with so many benefits:

  • They are packed with Omega 3’s and omega 6’s- (benefits above under chia seed benefits)

  • Protein- Hemp seeds are a wonderful source of protein. This is great for those of us who eat primarily plant based and are looking for ways to add in protein to smoothies or salads.

  • High in Vitamin E- Vitamin E helps keep your immune system functioning properly and it also promotes healthy skin.

What are your go-to smoothie ingredients? let me know in the comments below!

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