How To Reprogram Your Health Routine


I’ve been there. I’ve been through times in my life where I just completely lost focus of my health- having too much fun on the weekends, summer events, holidays, moving, new job, vacations, etc. have come between me and my health routine on many different occasions. I will admit that it is hard to get back on track after falling off. But let me give you something to think about… do we need to get back on track or do we just need to reprogram our health routine to fit our current lifestyle? What worked a year ago or even a few months ago might not work for you today.

How To Know If You Need To Reprogram Your Health Routine

  • The constant feelings of “I don’t have time” or “I can’t fit it in”

  • You are opting for takeout more than home cooking

  • You can’t get up when your alarm goes off

  • Mondays feel exhausting and painful

  • You aren’t getting movement/workouts in

  • You lost your routine and are struggling to get it back

  • Weight gain

  • Stress

A time when I completely lost sight of my health and wellness routine was when I first moved to Phoenix with my boyfriend (now fiancé) 4 years ago. Not only did I just move across the country, but I also left my job, family and friends, and my fiancé and I were moving in together for the first time. So my health and wellness routine that I had revolved around my life basically got kicked to the curb. As a result, I gained weight and gained unwanted stress. Here is what I did: I tried to jump back into my old routine that I had been doing for years. I had been doing the same routine for a long time and somehow it wasn’t working after I had moved. It took a lot of stressing and reprograming to find a routine that worked for me and my “new life”.

It all starts with letting go of your old routine and your “old self”. Your body constantly sheds skin and your G.I. tract rebuilds every few days so why can’t you rebuild your life?! Good news, YOU CAN! It starts with looking at yourself as you are now and the life you have now. I used to look back at photos of myself 4 years ago and just wish I had that body still, but the truth is that we can only look forward.

The next step is to figure out what is important to you. I use a journal and write about it. The things that I journal about are:

  • What would my dream health and wellness routine look like

  • What does my time look like and how can I take advantage of that time

  • What health and wellness activities do I enjoy

  • What is important to me when it comes to health and wellness

  • What are my health and wellness goals

  • What steps can I take to achieve my idea of health and wellness

  • What were things in my past routines that I loved and that worked well for me

Then I develop my new routine. I include the things in my dream health and wellness routine and revolve them around my life. I also try new recipes and workouts that are new to me (this helps expand your practice and you may find something you love that works for you). Often my reprogrammed routine is similar to my old routine, but it is just built slightly differently to meet my current needs (maybe a grab and go breakfast in the morning instead of sitting down for a meal, or running at night as opposed to waking up earlier). If I have really fallen off track, I will create a brand new routine.

I personally love to write out my wellness plan and schedule my new routine. For example, during the summer when weekends are filled with activities, I will plan out Tuesday through Friday with workouts and healthy recipes, I will leave Saturday and Sunday open (if I can add a workout or healthy cooking into those days I will, but I also keep them open for rest days or going to brunch), and then Monday I work my routine around my energy levels (if I know Sundays will be busy, I know I won’t get up at 6am for a workout so I will schedule it later in the day).

If you are having trouble finding the motivation to jumpstart your health and wellness routine, check out my motivation series:

Motivation Series Part 1: Workout Motivation

Motivation Series Part 2: Motivation In The Kitchen

Motivation Series Part 3: Start Where You Are

These guides are great tools to help spark motivation in you to achieve your health and wellness goals. They can also help you discover what types of workouts and recipes that you enjoy!

Another way that you can reprogram and restructure your health and wellness routine is through my wellness coaching practice. Together we can discover the right routine that fits in with your lifestyle. Check it out here!

What are some ways that you have struggled in your health and wellness routine? What are some of your favorite wellness habits that are in your current routine? Let me know in the comments below!

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