Tips To Optimize Your Metabolic Health

Something that comes up often when talking about weight loss, fat burn, healthy weight management, etc. is metabolism.  With a healthy metabolism it becomes easier to reach health and wellness goals. Metabolism is the process of your body converting food and drink into energy. There is a lot of science that goes into this chemical process but there are ways to optimize your metabolic health. By optimizing your metabolic health you can (as mentioned) reach your health and wellness goals easier as well as increase longevity. Plus, when you start incorporating  healthy habits that promote a healthier metabolism you will start feeling good overall which is a major bonus. Here are a few things you can start doing today that will help optimize your metabolic health:

move more

I am a big believer in movement being essential for our bodies. After a lot of research over the years and listening to a number of accredited health specialists, I have learned that natural movement is an essential key to health, more than completing just an hour long workout. This isn’t to say your workout isn’t beneficial, it is so incredibly healthy for your body. However, if that is the only movement you get in a day then you might not be optimizing your health and metabolism. You need natural movement like walking, doing chores and other everyday forms of motion to optimize your health.

end your last meal at least 2 1/2 hours before bed

Your digestion plays a massive role in your metabolic health. While you sleep your digestion naturally slows down and upon waking it speeds up. Because your digestion slows down at night it can’t properly digest food like it would during the day which can affect metabolic health and increase fat storage which can affect your health long term. Because of this, it is important to stop eating well before bed time. Upon waking you should be in fat burn mode which can be a sign that your metabolism is healthy. I used this device here to help me see if I was in fat burning mode upon waking which was a great tool to use to reach my goals. Use code “KIMMYL” at checkout for $50 off!

stay hydrated

I noticed the biggest difference in my health when I began to drink more water. Hydration is extremely important for metabolic health.  Water plays a role in the actual chemical process of metabolism itself making it crucial for your body. I recommend adding trace minerals to your water, a pinch of sea salt or adding in an electrolyte packet like this one here to optimize hydration.

Metabolic health is more than just about weight. Being metabolically flexible can help prevent things such as heart disease and can help increase longevity. This is something that I can help you achieve in my health and wellness coaching program. Tap here to schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation with me today.


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