3 Tips To Creating A Balanced Healthy Lifestyle

If writing off all of your favorite foods that are deemed “not so healthy” sounds completely unrealistic I wholeheartedly agree and understand. While food is meant to provide us nourishment in the best way, it is also celebratory and nostalgic. A midsummer chocolate chip ice cream brings up a lot of memories for me from childhood and it’s not something I can write off forever.

What you need to know is that you can gain access to your goals and still enjoy your favorite foods. But it requires balance and balance can be confusing.  To reach your goals the scale has to be tipped in the direction that will reach your goals. Choosing foods and wellness practices that bring you closer to your goals needs to be at the forefront of your wellness plan.  It’s easier said than done so I am sharing with you my 3 top tips for creating more balance:

focus on abundance

When you are trying to establish healthier eating habits it’s easy to get into a negative mindset around food and begin to focus on all the foods you can’t have. But when you focus on all of the foods you can have it becomes much easier and it’s a great way to create more balance (and balanced in the right direction). When you are focused on all of the incredible and nourishing foods you can have, having more balance in your life becomes easier and more attainable.

fill up on the whole foods first

I recently used this method myself when eating out. It is the idea of filling your plate or body with nourishing whole foods and then afterwards if you are still craving an indulgence then go for it. Often times after we have a nourishing plate with high quality protein and fruits and veggies we won’t reach for the indulgences so quickly or so often.  When you’re full of the satiating foods you won’t feel the need to overindulge so often. This will help you stay balanced in the right direction.

create a health and wellness plan you can stick to

If you still want your indulgences then fit them into your wellness plan. When you make room in your diet for your indulgences you won’t deal with the guilt that comes along after eating certain foods and you won’t have to worry about those foods hindering your results. Having balance in your routine helps you avoid guilt over food choices.

It’s so important to make sure you are balanced in a way that helps you reach your goals. In my 1:1 health and wellness coaching program I guide you to make a health and wellness plan that invites room for play but also helps you reach your wellness goals. Check out the program here and book your free 15 minute discovery call with me today.


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