Tips For Navigating Your Own Health Wellness Journey

Navigating health and wellness can be confusing. Not only that, but if you choose a path not meant for you it can be disappointing and feel like a waste of time. So many of us quit on our health and wellness goals because of exactly that.

Reaching your health and wellness goals isn’t easy but it is worth it. When anyone goes through the journey of building a healthier lifestyle, there are difficult things you have to get through to get to a place where things start becoming easier. You have to first figure out what works best for you and your lifestyle, commit to being consistent with it and then you can reap the benefits. Not only that but you also need the tools to support your journey to navigate a healthier lifestyle. Below you will find 3 tips to help you navigate your own journey. These tips will help you discover what will and does work best for you as well as help you build support that you need to reach your health and wellness goals.

Get out of your comfort zone and try new things

You won’t see results if you keep relying on the things that aren’t getting you results in the first place. You have to try different foods, recipes, workouts, meditations, meal prep strategies, etc. to find what works best for you. You have to be open to trying new things to successfully move the needle in the direction you want to go. Not every habit or nutrition plan will work for everyone.

Pay attention to how things make you feel

Many of us only pay attention to how changes in our diet and habits affect us on the outside. We are often led to believe that if we look a certain way, then things must be working and if we don’t see results right away on the outside then things must be wrong. However, change on the outside takes time. Instead it is important to note how you feel on the inside. Pay attention to how everything from your meals to the workouts you do make you feel. Becoming more in tune with your body and what feels good will eventually show on the outside.

Seek support in the right places

I always recommend having a few different forms of support on your journey. 2 of the most important types of support are having an accountability partner and a guide on your journey. An accountability partner is someone currently in your life or someone new that shares similar values and goals. This person is someone you can chat about your goals with and help hold each other accountable for reaching your goals. Ideally this would be a person that you could plan a weekly walk or workout with, plan a meal prep day with or something that helps you keep health and wellness fun and enjoyable. I also recommend having a health and wellness guide like a certified health coach. This is someone who can hold you accountable for reaching your goals as well as help you navigate your way through figuring out what works and doesn’t work for you. A health and wellness coach can help you move through the things that are holding you back from reach your goals as well as help you navigate nutrition, fitness and everything in between.

I created my Live Well 1:1 Coaching Program and my Live Radiantly Program to help make your journey to better health easier. In both of these programs I give you the support you need to navigate your health and wellness journey with more confidence. If you are ready to take your journey to the next level and finally reach your health and wellness goals tap here.


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