5 Life Changing Meal Prep Tips To Help You Eat Healthier

One of the main reasons many of us struggle to hit our health and wellness goals is because we aren’t consistently eating a healthy diet. Without consistency you won’t ever reach your goals and one of the main reasons many of us struggle to stay consistent is because of time constraints. It can be impossible to put together 3 healthy meals plus additional snacks together when you’re busy. Luckily there are some things you can do to make sure you can put together healthy meals without the stress over time constraints. One of the best things you can do is start meal prepping.

Meal prepping saves you time, allows you to put together a healthy meal with more ease and helps you extend your healthy eating into the next day. Not sure where to start? Try these 5 life changing tips to help you master meal prep so you can get consistent with healthy eating:

Start by meal planning

In order to meal prep efficiently you have to have a meal plan. Taking a few minutes each week to plan out your meals will help you nail down exactly what you need prepped to have a smoother week in the kitchen.

Batch prep

If you need roasted sweet potatoes and carrots for multiple meals during the week, make a big batch so you don’t have to do it twice. If you’re using chopped celery for a salad one day and need it for soup later that week, chop a big batch so you don’t have to do it again. Batch prepping does require a little planning but it will help save you time later.

Prioritize prepping the things that take the longest

Many foods like protein, roasted potatoes, rice, etc. take a long time to cook. Prioritize prepping those things ahead of time to save you time when putting meals together later.

Create a weekly standing prep time

This time can be a short as 30 minutes if thats all you have. Each week set aside some time to prep whatever you can in the time frame. This could be washing and chopping fruits/vegetables, prepping salads for lunches for the week or prepping overnight oats. Anything that will save you time.

Utilize the oven

My oven is my best friend in the kitchen. It will save you so much time and it can help make meal prepping easier. Prepping oven baked meals and roasted veggies/proteins will eliminate the need to stand over the stove and free up time while you prep making meal prepping more doable.

I created my Glow From Within guide to help you eat healthier with more ease. It includes over 90 meal prep friendly recipes to help you achieve a more energized and glowing self. Check it out here.


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