5 Tips To Eat Healthy On A Budget

Let’s be honest, eating healthy can be expensive. Aiming to eat high quality healthy foods can be costly. Many of us avoid reaching for organic produce and healthier alternatives to our favorite packaged foods because it is so expensive. Buying just 2 avocados and a pack of healthy crackers can cost about $10… and that adds up quick when you are shopping for the week and especially when you are shopping for your family. Fortunately there are ways to be able to eat healthier all while saving some money.

Below are a few things that I recommend doing, as a Holistic Health Coach, so you can reach your goals with healthy eating and not break the bank week after week with your grocery list.

stock up on healthier foods when they are on sale

When you see your favorite healthier items on sale, stock up! Yes, you will spend more money at the time of buying, but if it is an item that you consume often, just stock up. You will save money on future trips to the grocery store. I also recommend stocking up on freezer friendly organic produce when it is on sale. Things like organic berries and bell peppers (that are typically expensive in stores) are freezer friendly and can often be found on sale. Sales are a great time to reach for those healthier alternative snacks that can be pricey.

shop online & at your local farmers market

Utilizing online shops like Misfits Market and Thrive Market can save you a lot of money every year on healthier foods especially when it comes to healthy snack alternatives and other packaged foods. I also love going to the farmers market for fresh, in season and local produce. Produce at your farmers market, especially organic, can save you a lot of money every week as it is typically cheaper.

shop frozen

Frozen organic fruits and vegetables are typically much less expensive than the fresh produce. Plus, buying frozen will save you time in the kitchen as they are already pre-chopped and ready to prep. I also love frozen produce because it is typically frozen directly after being picked so you won’t have to worry about a lack of flavor or freshness.

take advantage of healthy plant proteins

Plant based protein options like quinoa, lentils, legumes, nuts and seeds, tofu, tempeh, etc. are all inexpensive options compared to non plant based items.

focus on buying whole foods vs. packaged foods

The easiest way to save money is by focusing on buying whole foods like fruits, vegetables, herbs, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, etc. You can make fun and delicious snacks using these ingredients without having to buy processed or even minimally processed foods that tend to make the grocery bill go up quickly. We love slicing up veggies and fruit and adding a fresh homemade dip on the side to make a healthy and also inexpensive snack. Plus, this helps add more vitamins and nutrients to your diet as opposed to packaged snacks.


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