Tips For Creating A Healthy Morning Routine

Morning routines have become a hot topic in the wellness and social media space. It seems like everywhere I look I see others posting their morning routine. While they are fun to watch, they are even more important to add to your own lifestyle. Why? Here are a few benefits of having a morning routine:

  • It can set you up for a productive day

  • It helps set the tone for the day

  • It’s a great way to relax first thing in the morning

  • It’s “you time” which is so important for your mood and happiness

  • It’s the perfect time to get in the habits you need to support your wellness goals

    & so much more!

The different ways you can structure your routine and the different habits you can add to that routine are endless- which in my opinion can be overwhelming. Let’s be honest, a morning routine is amazing BUT our time in the morning is short and there is only so much time to fit in all the healthy habits before the day starts.

Remember this when you are structuring your morning routine:

You don’t have to do everything, you just have to do what helps support your goals, what brings you joy and what you have time for.

plan your routine around your goals

Everyones goals look different, so keep that in mind when you are watching a friends morning routine on social media. When you are structuring your morning routine, it is important to keep in mind what your specific goals are. For me, fitness is a huge part of my goals so I know that getting in lots of movement in the morning is important for me to meet those goals- so I plan my morning routine around my workout and a walk outside with my dog. I also have goals based around de-stressing and mindset so things like journaling and meditation are important for me to have in my morning routine. Remember when you are structuring your routine that the habits you repeat daily are what make up your healthy lifestyle and they are what help you to reach your desired goals.

get in the habit of habit stacking

Habit stacking is ideal when you are short on time in the morning. It is a great way to fit in those micro habits in a short window. It basically looks like this: take a habit you already do (like drinking your morning coffee) and stack another health and wellness habit on top of it (like journaling). This not only helps to make your habits and routines more doable, but it also helps to create consistency which is important for supporting your goals. Reminders are key to getting consistent with habits- so when you have a habit, like listening to a podcast or journaling, that you stack on to something as simple as drinking your morning cup of matcha, you’ll be reminded to complete that habit every time you sit down to drink your matcha. You can get as creative as you’d like with habit stacking, here are a few ideas:

  • listening to a podcast while getting ready for the day or out on a walk

  • going for a walk while on a morning meeting

  • sip on lemon water or a green juice while you meditate, while you scroll emails or planning the day

  • prep your healthy lunch for the day, take your supplements, meditate or repeat affirmations while your morning coffee brews

  • repeat affirmations while getting ready or showering

Your morning routine should be something that brings you joy. If it’s bringing you stress because you are trying to fit too much into a short amount of time, then it’s time to start taking things away and only keep what is working and what you can be consistent with. Get creative with it and have fun!


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