Tips For Making Healthier Decisions Around Snacking

Who doesn’t love a good snack?! Snacks are a great way to hold you over from breakfast to lunch or lunch to dinner (or just to have after dinner to satisfy you for the night). Even though snacks are a great way to help hold you over between meals, they aren’t always the healthiest choices we make. Some common struggles when it comes to snacking are:

  • mindlessly grazing all day

  • grabbing your kids snacks when you pass by the kitchen

  • not using portion control

  • snacking on processed foods that are non- satiating

  • not knowing how to build a satiating snack

  • skipping real meals because you’ve been snacking all day

If you have experienced any of those struggles, I understand you completely! My biggest struggle from when I was a kid up until my twenties was snacking. I couldn’t help but mindlessly graze on ultra-processed foods including things like fried and greasy chips or chips coated in fake cheese. I was constantly reaching in the snack cabinet and grabbing something that wouldn’t actually give me what I needed- the feeling of being full, satiated and energized.

Below are my tips for making healthier decision when it comes to snacking:

It all starts with your last meal

If your last meal left you feeling hungry or if it lacked healthy fats, protein and fiber then you are more likely to snack and also you’ll be more likely to reach for something that isn’t a healthier option. Be sure to fill your plate with healthy fats (things like olive oil, salmon, olives, avocado), fiber (things like vegetables, beans lentils, avocado) and protein (hempseed, fish, beans, meat, tofu, quinoa, lentils)- these important elements will help to keep you full and satiated longer so you won’t be reaching in the snack cabinet post meal time.

Get in the habit of snack prepping

Like meal prepping, snack prepping has many benefits like saving you time and helping you stay on track towards your health and wellness goals. Snack prepping only takes a few minutes of preparation and it is worth it! When you have something prepped and ready to go for you, you won’t be likely to grab one of your kids snacks or grabbing something that will leave you feeling badly. I love making homemade trail mixes filled with nuts, seeds and dried fruits- filled with fiber, protein and healthy fats to keep you full and satiated. I also love making refrigerated snack packs filled with hummus or guacamole, crackers (these here are my favorite) or pretzels (I love these gluten free pretzels), sliced veggies (like bell peppers and cucumber) and berries- a fiber, protein and healthy fat filled pack to keep you full and satiated. I also love snacking on sliced apples with nut butter or carrots or celery with almond butter. I love using these reusable silicone bags to store my trail mixes and these glass snacking containers for my refrigerated snack packs. Pre- packing your snacks will also help with portion control!

Stock up on healthy protein bars

Protein bars are amazing to snack on in between meals. They help give you energy and fuel that you need to power through to your next meal. The great thing about protein bars is that they are pre-packed, making it easier for grab and go and require no meal prepping (unless you want to create your own from scratch!). Below are a few of my favorite protein bars:

Get in the habit of checking ingredients… before you buy

The best way to avoid snacking on anything that doesn’t support your goals, is to avoid bringing it in your home. If it doesn’t come home with you, you won’t be snacking on it mindlessly in front of the tv. The best way to know if a snack should come home with you, is by checking the ingredient list. If you don’t recognize an ingredient, if the list is lengthy or if you can’t pronounce the ingredients, then leave it at the store. It’s also important to check the sugar content too- just 4 grams of sugar is equal to 1 whole teaspoon! Things like sliced vegetables and fruits don’t have ingredient lists and pair perfect with a simple nut butter or hummus- making a great snack option!

A part of my health and wellness program is my complimentary grocery store tours which includes a printable guide for shopping for the right foods. Get on the waitlist for my 1:1 health coaching program by clicking here.


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