My Favorite Ways To Incorporate More Movement Through Walking

Walking is one of my favorite ways to get in more movement every day. Walking is a great habit to begin whether you are starting out on a fitness journey, looking for more ways to incorporate movement outside of your usual workouts, looking to add on to your usual workout or a way to stay active on your active rest days.

Walking has so many benefits. In fact, according to, research says that walking as little as 2 hours per week can help you live longer and reduce risk for disease. Blue Zones are places on Earth where people tend to be living the longest. One of the common habits they have found in these zones is the use of walking. It seems as though these people live in environments that constantly nudge them to move without thinking- rather than doing strenuous workouts.

Walking was something that I never did regularly. I never understood the benefits and I also didn’t know how to add it into my routine. In 2018 I adopted my dog which forced me to get outside and start walking. Naturally over time I started to build the habit of going for a walk daily and now, fast forward 4 years, I make it a point to get outside and walk every day.

Some of the benefits of walking include- promotes a healthy weight, strengthens your bones and muscles, improves your cardiovascular system, reduces risk for disease, improves your mood, reduces stress, improves your immune system (especially if you are able to get out on a sunny day and catch some Vitamin D), improves energy and more.

Since learning about all of the benefits of the simple act of walking, I now am always looking for more ways to incorporate more movement through walking. Below are the tips that I and my clients use daily to add in more movement through walking:

Make it a habit to get out every morning or evening

Going out for a walk at either the beginning of the day or end of the day can have enormous benefits. A few simple ways to start making this a habit are:

  • Start small (like a 20 minute walk around your neighborhood) and then work your way up to a longer walk (a place where you feel good but not exerted of all your energy)

  • Make it a time to connect with a loved one- ask your significant other, a family member or friend (or pet!) to join you on a walk (or use the time to call a loved one)

  • Use the time to listen to a podcast or audiobook

  • If you live near a coffee shop, use it as an excuse to walk and grab coffee in the morning (you can also go for a walk with your coffee or ask a friend to go for a coffee walk!)

Park far away

Make it a point to park far away when you are going shopping or eating out. This may seem small and tedious, but it can be rewarding. Forcing yourself to walk just a little bit extra to get to and from a store can be a great way to incorporate more movement through walking. I especially love doing this after eating out- movement after a meal can help to balance your blood sugar (especially after a carb loaded meal).

Find new places to explore

Check out some local paved walking paths in your area. It’s a great excuse to discover some place new, and it’s a great way to get in more movement.

Take the stairs

Make it a habit to take the stairs as opposed to an elevator (when possible). Walking at an incline is a great way to improve your endurance and muscle strength.

Set reminders on your phone to get up throughout the day

Every hour or so, make it a point to take a break from the work you are doing, get up and walk around. A lot of us spend most of the day sedentary (especially if you work at a desk for long periods of time), so it is vital to get up and move around often. Even just 3 minutes every hour or so of getting up and moving around your office or home can be beneficial. The next time you get a break during your work day, try and fight the urge to check social media, and instead use the time to get up and move around. This is also a great tool to use if the weather in your local area isn’t ideal for walking.

If you are looking for tips to help you build a more consistent walking routine, check out my blog post here for my top Tips For Getting More Consistent With Your Habits.


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