Tips For Being Healthy When You Just Aren’t In The Mood

We’ve all all had those days. Those days when you’re health and wellness routine sounds like the last thing that you want to do. Because you’re human, it is impossible to wake up motivated every day of your life and it’s also impossible to not have days where you just want to skip your routine all together. But when you know how important your routine is to you, it’s harder to forget it all together. That is why I compiled a list of tips to use when you just aren’t in the mood to be healthy but still want to be healthy.

dress up your water

Water can sometimes feel boring but being hydrated is so important for your overall health and it it something that definitely should not be skipped. In fact, It should be a top priority. So how can you still make it a priority even when it just doesn’t sound too appealing? Make it fancy! I love adding in sliced fruit or these flavored electrolyte mixes. I also love having coconut water over ice for something intensely hydrating and flavorful.

make your favorite comfort meal but healthify it

One thing that changed my health for me was learning to create healthier versions of my favorite meals. This can be done by simply swapping out the not so healthy ingredients in recipes for healthier ones. This could be as easy as swapping out the cheese on your sandwich for avocado. A few of my favorite comfort meals turned healthier are this Butternut Squash Mac And Cheese or these Chocolate Chunk Cookies!

try a mat workout

A workout where you get to lay down the entire time sounds perfect for those days when you don’t have the motivation to workout but still want to get it in. I love putting on some ankle weights and doing some booty and thigh work along with some core work. I use this app for my at home workouts and there are some amazing (and quick) mat workouts available!

make a smoothie

I love smoothies everyday but especially on those days where a salad just doesn’t sound good for lunch or those days when you’re craving something sweet. Smoothies are a great way to get in lots of healthy benefits while having them taste almost like ice cream! Check out my favorite smoothie here- it tastes like chocolate chip ice cream and it even has added (and tasteless) greens for added health benefits!

use your non motivational days to set goals

The days where you are feeling lazier than usual are a great day to check in with yourself and your goals. This is a great time to pull out a notebook and start writing down some goals for yourself and check in with your current progress. It can also help spark motivation in you to write down some goals and routines you want to begin.

Want more guidance to help you get through those tougher days and start seeing real results in your health? Check out my health coaching program here where I offer you 1:1 coaching, personalized meal and fitness plans and support of your journey to wellness.


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