Tips To Create Consistency In Your Wellness Routine

I can’t tell you how many times I stressed and obsessed over nixing the habits that I wanted to part ways with. I thought the answer to my prayers of becoming my best and healthiest self was dependent on the idea of nixing bad habits. After years of working on myself and through health coaching, I learned that what was truly going to move the needle for me in my health journey was cultivating consistent habits in my life.

Consistency is everything. Whether you are consistent with your bad habits or consistent with good habits you will get results to match those habits. Repetition is so important for becoming the best and healthiest version of you. Remember: what you repeat, you become.

But repeating habits sounds easier than it is.  It requires a lot from you, often including making new time for your habits in your schedule by sacrificing that time being spent on old habits.

So how can you create more consistency with your routine so you can finally reach your dream wellness goals?  Below are a few of my favorite tips:

Create a vision board- you might not love or be obsessed with adding in spinach to your smoothies or going to a yoga class instead of bingeing your favorite netflix show.  This is why having a vision board to remind you of the benefits of what you are working towards might be the key you need to stay consistent. Don’t rely on becoming obsessed with health and wellness. Falling in love takes time!  You may not love anything about working out right away and you may not be crazy about vegetables but they will impact your health in a significant way.  So you might want to rely on something visual to remind you of your “why” and what you will achieve if you start working on your habits. You can do this using Canva and Pinterest. Be sure to add lots of inspirational words to your vision board!

Get rid of the all or nothing mindset and use time blocks- we live in a busy world. It can be tough to fit in an hour long workout or make time for a 10 minute meditation. But skipping it altogether won’t move you in the right direction. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing to move you towards your goals. It just needs to be consistent. Consistency > perfection. This is where time blocks are helpful. It works by picking time frames where you are more flexible and try to fit in whatever you can during that time frame. This takes away the stress and excuses. A 10 minute movement session is better than sitting on your phone scrolling social media.

Find your accountability partner- this can be a friend, partner, social media or a friend on social media, family member, your fitness instructor, fitness buddy, health coach, etc.  This is someone who you can check in with and share your progress with and who you can trust to hold you accountable for getting in your habits.  Accountability is an important tool for being consistent and should be used to reach your goals. Humans, by nature, need community to thrive. Don’t go at things alone.

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