Summertime Body Image Bliss Tips


We have all been there… wanting that rockstar body for summer. I used to spend so much time every May and June trying to perfect my body. I will admit that I am still dealing with that. When summer rolls around, I feel like I need to start being restrictive and dedicating 2 hours of my day to working out. It is a constant struggle every year.

There are three phrases: Body positivity, body confidence and body acceptance. If I am being honest, body positivity is difficult to acheive. No matter how big, small, tall or short we are, we can always find something to pick apart. I’ve definitely had days where I look in the mirror and feel great and feel like I want to flaunt it, but 90% of the time I don’t feel that way. This is why I love body confidence and body acceptance.

Body confidence and body acceptance is all about loving yourself, accepting yourself and being okay in a bikini no matter what size you are or how much cellulite you have. It is all about feeling empowered to truly be in the skin you are in. But being body confident doesn’t come easy either. It takes work and it is something that I myself work on all the time. Below are a few things that help me feel confident:

Swap the diet strategy for a balanced diet

There is nothing positive about a diet. When we diet and restrict ourselves in an unsustainable way, we end up just going back to our usual routine and often over indulging. We also put a negative aura around ourselves when we diet. Telling ourselves we need to diet is one of the most negative things we can do to ourselves. When we say “I need to go on a diet” we are really saying “I am not good enough”, which is untrue to all who say it. Instead of telling ourselves we need less, we should be telling ourselves how we need more! We need to add in more healthy habits and more fruits and vegetables. This is not only a secret to sustainable weightloss, but also to a happier and healthier life. When we add more of the things that make us feel good, we have less room for the things that make us feel bad. When we consistently take care of ourselves and add in healthy habits, we will feel better about ourselves which leaves us feeling more confident.

Get Moving

I always feel so excited, energized and confident after a workout. You don’t have to do HIIT workouts or run for 40 minutes, you can simply just be active by walking or playing tennis with a friend. When we workout, “happy hormones” are released which leaves us feeling good after a workout. Movement also helps to inspire positive choices. When we start taking care of ourselves in one way, we end up taking care of ourselves in other ways too- which leaves us feeling beautiful inside and out!

Get outside and out of your head

The one thing about being home is that we are surrounded by mirrors. I myself have a very large (and unavoidable) mirror in my office, where I spend a lot of my day. Too many times I have fallen into the trap of staring at my body and bloat after eating meals. I have a mirror in my bathroom and on the way out I have another floor length mirror- two more excuses to pick myself apart and judge myself throughout the day. I have noticed that the days when I am outside more (at the park, camping, walking my dog, etc.) that I feel more confident and better in my skin. Getting out in nature is also important for mental health. Being surrounded by nature can help you feel more relaxed, grounded, present and free.

Practice a summer self care ritual daily

Self care is a confidence booster! Just like working out and making healthier choices, the more you take care of yourself the more radiant and confident you will feel. I personally love self care in the form of skin care rituals and working out. Some other summer self care practices can include:

-Outdoor yoga
-Spending time with loved ones by the pool
-Reading a book or magazine by the pool
-Taking yourself shopping for a new and fresh summer look
-Buy yourself a summer bouquet

Practicing self care helps to bring you back into the present moment. It also helps to create and cultivate a more positive vibe around you and in your life. As I have noted throughout this post, when you do things that make you FEEL good, you will feel more radiant and confident.

Body confidence and body acceptance is a practice but it is also very much achievable. Know this- no matter what size you are, you are beautiful.

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Summer Habits To Add Into Your Routine


Evolution Series Part 1: How To Evolve In Your Health Journey When Others Aren’t Evolving With You