3 (Less Talked About) Habits That Can Help You Reach Your Goals

You’ve heard it before- having good diet and exercise practices are the fundamentals of health and wellness. To improve your overall wellbeing you have to focus on those key areas. But it’s so much easier said than done. Plus, diet and exercise isn’t all that you need to live a healthy lifestyle. Practicing joy is just as important to diet and exercise.

Below are 3 habits that I believe can strengthen your health and wellness practice and they can even help you reach your goals. These habits can help you better practice healthy eating habits, help you get into a healthy exercise routine that you actually love and help you create more joy. Because let’s face it, salads and a hiit workout can only get you so far if you aren’t living a full life.

Meal prep

Nothing can replace a healthy diet. If you want to get healthy then you need healthy and nutritious meals in your diet. However it is easier said than done. Healthy eating often gets thrown out the window because of lack of time, skillset in the kitchen and motivation. This is why I believe meal prep can be a key component to reaching your goals. Meal prepping allows you to have healthy meals ready to go or ready to put together in a pinch. By prepping meals ahead of time for busy days, you are cutting out the stress of cooking and allowing more ease into home cooking and your life. Meal prepping can help to make healthy eating more attainable and more doable. It can set you up to eat healthy all week and it will save you time. When healthy eating becomes more doable, it becomes easier to make it a focus in your life which creates consistency which creates a healthy lifestyle.

Write down your why

This works for all areas of health and wellness but it is especially effective for exercise. It is a habit that takes time to build but when you consistently do it each day you will find that you have stronger motivation to work at your goals. It is simple: ask yourself “why do I want this fitness goal” and write it down. This can be done on paper or on the notes app on your phone. Each morning when you wake up read the text. This acts as a reminder that will help you stay motivated and, as I mentioned, strengthen your motivation so you’ll have less days where you feel like giving up or pressing pause. Being excited about health and wellness and especially the area of fitness doesn’t often come naturally. It requires motivation. Instead of feeling like you have to be obsessed with health and wellness, rely on your “why”. That is what will push you every day.

Prioritize community

Happiness is so important. But ask yourself how often you prioritize practicing joy. While there are a lot of habits that help you create more joy in your life, I believe that community is the key.  Having people to share your journey with is going to be so helpful for reaching your health and wellness goals (happiness goals included!). I believe that having an accountability partner, a local close friend who shares similar interests (or a few!), an online community that you are apart of (hello LWBK community!) and an in person community (if possible- through a gym, mama group, book club, local meet up groups, yoga studio, etc.).  When you are part of a community it can bring so much joy to your life. This is commonly seen in Blue Zones across the world.  Community makes you feel less lonely and it can help inspire you!

I would love to know what habits help to inspire your journey!  Let me know in the comments below!


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