How To Make Luxury Wellness Trends More Accessible

There are some things trending in the wellness world and you may be seeing these trends all over social media. Activities like sauna, cryo facials and cryo therapy, cold plunging and red light therapy are quickly gaining popularity and you may have found yourself wondering how you can take part.  While these activities have incredible benefits, they can be costly.  But there are ways to get in similar benefits at home without spending a lot. Below are some alternatives that can have similar benefits:

Disclaimer:  the only way to get all of the benefits of these wellness rituals is by taking part in the rituals as they are. The alternatives may offer similar benefits. Please do your own research before trying any of these rituals.

Red Light Therapy Alternatives

Red light therapy is shown to help with sleep and even help with acne and prevent wrinkles. Unfortunately a good quality red light machine can cost hundreds of dollars.  While there isn’t exactly an “alternative” to red light machines, there are ways to improve sleep and skin health at a lower cost:

•Blue light blockers- Using blue light blocking glasses or blue light blocking device screen protectors can have significant benefits on your skin and sleep health. There is even blue light blocking skin care which helps to protect your skin from blue light. Check out my favorite blue light blocking skin care essential here.

•Minimize bright light usage at night- This means turning off your overhead lights and minimizing device usage at night. I love these red light bulbs from Amazon that I keep in my sons bedroom as well as my bedroom for night time. I also love using these Himalayan salt night lights around our home for night time too so we don’t have a need to turn on overhead lights at night. Himalayan salt lamps are amazing for your health and they are a great alternative to your overhead lights at night.

•Red light device- There are some small yet affordable options for red light therapy. This device here is a great option if you plan to use red light for your skin.

Cryo Facial Alternatives

Cryo facials are gaining popularity quickly. They can boost collagen production, prevent wrinkles, reduce pore size and more. But getting a facial is a luxury. Fortunately there are ways to receive similar benefits at home:

•Ice bowl dip- You can simply fill a bowl with ice water and safely/carefully dip your face in for a few seconds at a time.

•Ice rolling- I love this ice roller as a no fuss ice roller option. This is another great option as it allows you to roll real ice onto your skin. You simply fill it with water, store in the freezer and roll away.

•Store face masks in the refrigerator- I love to store eye masks and face masks in the fridge. The cold plus the skin care will have amazing benefits for your skin health.

•Wash with cool to luke warm water vs. hot water- This is a must for preventing wrinkles. Hot water will accelerate fine lines and wrinkles. Using cold water might actually even diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles. It takes time to get used to doing but it works!

Cryo Therapy & Cold Plunge Alternatives

Cryo therapy and cold plunge offer similar benefits. It is said that cryo therapy may offer even more benefits due to the colder temperatures, however they both offer great benefits such as recovery from exercise, lessening inflammation, increasing mood and more. Unfortunately, it can be costly to buy a membership at a spa or gym to utilize the machines and it can be costly to have one at home. So here’s how to get similar benefits at home at an affordable price:

•Take a cold shower- Of course your shower cannot get as cold as a cold plunge, however it does offer some similar benefits especially for skin and hair health.

•Portable ice baths- These are more affordable than a cold plunge. Unfortunately, they do require more upkeep (cleaning/filtering) than the more expensive plunges that clean and filter for you. However they can be a great way to get the benefits at a low price. This one here is under $150

Sauna Alternatives

Saunas are an incredible way to detox and can have incredible benefits for your body. However, it can be expensive to have one at home and it also can be an expensive membership to have if you go that route. Fortunately, there are a few great ways that you can sweat it out & get similar benefits:

•Exercise- This is a great alternative. You can workout for free at home. I recommend a HIIT or cardio style workout to amp things up and get a good sweat going.  You can also head to a hot yoga class. This is an amazing way to detox because you will sweat a lot and also the poses/twists offer incredible detoxification benefits.

Sauna suit- The styles and prices range, but it is a more accessible option if you choose to go that route. The suits can range from $150-$500 and they are a great way to get in the benefits of a real sauna at home.

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