3 Steps To Help You Turn A Goal Into Results

Reaching results in your health and wellness journey takes time, effort and consistency… plus a lot of patience. When I think back to my own personal wellness journey, I remember experiencing struggles and challenges. I remember wishing I could change how I felt about my body and the way my body looked in an instant. It took me a long time to reach my goals but my journey could have been quicker if I had taken these steps below. These 3 steps that I am sharing with you could have a huge influence on your journey and results:

Step 1: Find Your “Why”

Mindset is so important when it comes to reaching your goals. If you don’t have a reason to workout or eat healthy then you won’t do it (at least not consistently). Your “why” will be what motivates you to push past barriers and help you get the long term results that you desire. Your “why” is personal and it’s not just about looks, it is about how you feel. Finding your “why” can be as simple as journaling about your future self that has reached your goal or closing your eyes and imagining your future self reaching your goals. With this exercise, pay attention to the words that come up for you and write them down. I recommend writing them on post it notes and stick them in places where you look often for inspiration.

Step 2: Create A Routine

Consistency is crucial for reaching results. The more consistent that you are, the quicker you will see results and the easier it will be to maintain them long term. putting consistent habits into place that help you to reach your goals sets you up for long term success. We have all heard how difficult it is to break a habit, and this is true with healthy habits as well. When you have created a healthy routine for yourself, it will be hard to stop, especially once you begin seeing the positive benefits you’ve gained from them.

Step 3: Get An Accountability Partner

In my opinion, community can often get over looked in a wellness journey. Community is one of the most important parts to reaching your goals. Often, we find ourselves on a wellness path and find that we aren’t surrounded by others with similar goals. What typically happens is that it becomes easy to close yourself off and not share your wellness journey. This creates loneliness which can dampen your success. If you don’t have anyone in your circle that you can relate to with your wellness journey then you will feel lonely. Accountability can make a huge impact. This is someone who shares similar goals as yourself who you can share your successes with. It can be someone that you text with or someone you do weekly meet ups with or someone that you workout with.

There are of course lots of steps to take in your wellness journey to see the results that you desire, but I have seen these 3 steps be taken in my health and wellness program as well as in my own journey and seen major success. I would love to know what has helped you the most in your journey! Let me know in the comments below!


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