5 Things I Am Doing This Spring As A Holistic Health Coach

No matter where you live, there are endless ways to take advantage of what every season has to offer, especially for wellness related rituals. From a Holistic Health Coach’s perspective, I think that it is necessary to adjust your routine and habits with each season. This helps keep things fun and exciting as well as helps you to remain consistent with your healthy habits in the longterm. Every season is so different which is why I think your goals, habits, routines, etc. should adjust with them.

Spring is one of the best seasons to get outdoors, wake up earlier and spend more time in nature. It’s also the best season to release any old habits and create new and better ones. Below are a few things I myself am working on and they are things that I recommend you try as well. These habits and ideas are things that will help to nourish your body as a whole to help you live and feel better.

Building A Holistic Home

A holistic home is one that nurtures and supports your wellbeing. Many things in our home environment can cause extra stress, be hormone disrupters, impact our gut health as well as be unhealthy for the planet. To live healthier and be overall healthier it is important to pay attention to things that aren’t just on our plate, but in our lives as a whole. Your home, the place where you have the most control over, should be your first stop to healthifying your life. This could look like decluttering, swapping out non-organic produce and items for organic, switching over to paperless towels, bringing in greenery, swapping plastic for glass where possible, doing a deep clean of the kitchen and restocking with fresh and vibrant produce along with other things to support your wellbeing (including things like your stress levels, hormonal heath, gut health, etc.).

Focus On Shopping Seasonal

Seasonal produce not only tastes better but is typically cheaper, grown locally and contains more vitamins and nutrients. I personally love going to the farmers market weekly to shop for seasonal produce as it is a great way to get outdoors, move your body as well as explore new produce that isn’t typically in stores. Some of my favorite things to stock up on in Spring are herbs, kale, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, celery, strawberries, potatoes, lemons and more.

Lean Into Your Gratitude Practice

Practicing gratitude is so important for your wellbeing. Having gratitude can help you live more in the present, be happier as well as attract and manifest what you really need and desire in life. There are many that say it can heal the body of chronic disease and depression. I love to start every morning by writing down a few things I am grateful for, as well as why, in a journal.


Whether you have a small or big space, you can garden. Gardening (whether done indoors or outdoors) helps to connect you to nature which is so important for reducing stress, helping you to be more present and also slow you down. Gardening can be as simple as growing a few indoor herbs, flowers and plants or as big as building a full garden in your backyard. Spring is a beautiful time to begin your gardening habits!

Fuel Your Body With Colorful Fruits And Vegetables

Make the main focus on your plate colorful fruits and vegetables and build around those. I love creating fresh seasonal salads during spring time. It’s such a great way to get in lots of essential vitamins and nutrients. Check out one of my favorite spring time salads here. You will feel more energized, lighter and brighter when you fill up on colorful vegetables, fruits and herbs (just be sure to add some protein and healthy fats too for a balanced meal!).

Love these tips? Let me and others in the community know some of your favorite ideas and habits for Springtime!


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