Tips To Boost Your Beauty Confidence


Beauty is something that I am so passionate about. It is something that holds so much meaning and it is something that we all see differently. There is beauty in nature, beauty in our unique personalities, beauty in our skin, and beauty products. If I am being honest, feeling beautiful isn’t easy. We are filled with images and messages daily about what we should believe that beauty looks like. It can be really hard to feel beautiful inside and out when we are led to believe that there is a certain way we should look. I spent a lot time searching for ways to make myself more beautiful. I would find photos of celebrities that resembled what I thought of as beautiful and I would start trying to figure in my mind how I could look like that. I would spend time picking apart my own features, messing with my hair and hair color, messing around with makeup, etc. just to look a way that I never would.

So how do we, as women, stop comparing ourselves to others and just own our own unique beauty? How do we embrace our own unique skin? How can we define our own version of beauty and start feeling confident?

First ask yourself these important questions:

  1. If I could look the way I dream of looking, how would that affect me? Would I actually be happier? Would people look at me differently or treat me differently? Would it change any other areas of my life (joy, finances, career, relationships, etc.)?

  2. Do I really want to look like someone else?

  3. Is it really my appearance that I want to change, or am I lacking something in other areas of my life?

Learn to enhance your natural beauty, not diminish it

It’s fun to play around with different makeup products, hair colors and styles but when you are doing it for the wrong reasons it isn’t so fun. The goal for a lot of us when applying makeup, grooming our eyebrows, changing our hair color, or chopping off our hair is to alter our appearance and fix something. If we weren’t trying to “fix” something then we would simply go about “al natural”. You don’t have to stop grooming your eyebrows every four weeks or stop wearing makeup, but it is important to learn to enhance your natural beauty, not hide it. Instead of trying to cover up or correct your own unique natural beauty, begin to enhance it:

  • Stick to a lightweight foundation or a tinted moisturizer during the week as opposed to a heavy foundation. This not only helps your skin breathe better but it will also keep your natural skin exposed. A tinted moisturizer won’t cover up or correct, but instead it will help enhance the natural beauty of your skin by adding a luminous and radiant finish.

  • Create a 5 minute or less beauty routine. This isn’t just to save time for yourself in the morning. This practice will help you figure out the things that make you feel confident. For example, my 5 minute routine consists of tinted moisturizer, bronzer, concealer, a lip balm, mascara and an eyebrow gel. I know that I feel my best and most confident when my skin is radiant and my eyes are brighter. These things help me to enhance my own natural beauty, and I skip all the things that I don’t actually need on my face to feel confident.

  • Take time to connect with your skin. I always recommend to my clients to develop a true skin care routine. One in which you take time to check in with your skins appearance. During my skin care routine, I check for any new sun damage, dullness, dryness, dark eye circles, etc. I then assess what my skin needs (more moisture & hydration, exfoliation, a facial massage, etc.). Connecting with your skin is such an important step to beauty confidence. Taking a moment to give our skin love and care is a ritual that can have a major impact on how we feel inside of it. Note: This is not a practice to pick yourself apart or pick out your “flaws”, this is a chance to connect with the natural beauty of your skin and give it what it needs to look and feel its best.

  • Learn to master beauty techniques that work for you and the looks that make you feel confident. I will never feel confident in a pony tail, with a winged eyeliner look or a glam lash. My most confident self is a bronzed/golden glow, naturally filled in brow and lash, and my hair down. I have learned to master my favorite look that makes me feel confident. Remember that just because you see it online, doesn’t mean it has to be yours too!

  • Trust your beauty stylist when they tell you no. Not only can a look not be achievable, but it also just might not be for you. Keep in mind that when you get your hair or makeup done, that the girl in your inspiration photo is not actually you.

Other things you can do to boost your Beauty confidence

  • Say “Thank You!”. Whenever you receive a compliment, take it! When someone tells you how great you look, say “thank you” instead of “ugh I don’t feel like it”. Embrace the compliments!

  • Remind yourself that you are beautiful. Stand in front of the mirror and admire your beauty. What is something that you admire about yourself?

  • Try makeup free days. This lets your skin breathe and it also helps you start to feel more comfortable showing off your natural skin.

  • Follow others on social media who are relatable. Follow people who don’t make you feel bad about yourself and unfollow those who do.

  • Remember that filters are not real and photo-shopped photos are not real. If using filters on social media is impacting how you feel about yourself, I recommend not using them at all.

  • Practice self love practices. This can be done by spending time with yourself doing things that you really love or by journaling about how grateful you are for you.

  • Practice self care. Practicing self care is an amazing tool for boosting confidence. Show yourself love and care is SO important for feeling good in your body and boosting your confidence.

I hope these tips helped, and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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