Tips For Staying Active During Fall Time Plus My Cool Weather Workout Essentials


It is officially fall and even here in the southwest the temps are cooling down. My morning walks now consist of wearing layers and pants rather than my summer shorts. Fall is that time of year where I step it up in my routine. I get more consistent with my workouts and I even start taking my workouts outdoors when the weather is perfect.

While fall time can force us into creating new habits and routines, it can also leave us unmotivated. Cooler and darker mornings can often lead to staying in bed longer and therefore missing the morning workout. Below are my favorite tips for staying active during these cooler months:

Find an at home workout ritual that you enjoy

I am a huge fan of at home workouts and even more during the fall and winter. Who wants to get out of bed and head to the gym on a cold dark morning? There are lots of at home workouts that you can do without having to step outside. You also do not need much equipment either. A pair of dumbbells, sliders, a yoga mat and a resistance band are just what you need to get an effective workout in from the comfort of your own living room.

Slow down your routine

Spring and summer can give you serious energy, but fall and winter naturally call us to slow things down. This is the perfect time of year to try things like yoga and pilates (plus they are usually heated!).

Invest in Quality Running gear

I actually love to start running during the fall. This time of year is so magical so I try to get in as much time outside as possible. Investing in good running gear can make a huge impact on your morning run and make it more enjoyable. Some of my favorite items for running during the fall include a warm jacket with mobility, a light vest and a turtleneck workout shirt. Check out my look book below for my favorite fall workout items.

Get outside for a walk

There is no better workout than a walk in my opinion. It is a great way to get in Vitamin D, movement, nature and quiet time all at the same time. A walk can be done any time of the day but I especially love it during midday when the sun feels warmer and when I have had enough of sitting at my desk all morning. If you missed your morning workout because you slept in, get in a walk midday, after work or after dinner.

Invest in “to and from” clothing

If you love working out at the gym or studio, invest in some pieces to take you there. I love bundling up in a light weight jacket or sweatshirt when I head to the yoga studio. Check out my look book below for some of my favorite “to and from” items. Sometimes a new outfit is just what you need to motivate you to workout!

Plan to workout at the right time for you

I always say that I will wake up at 6 am to workout, but so often, especially during fall time, it doesn’t happen. If you don’t find yourself motivated to workout in the early hours of the day, plan to workout when you will be. For most of us, that is either after the sun comes up or after work.

Aim To workout 3 to 5 days a week

If you are feeling less motivated during the cooler months, don’t stress! Just aim to get in at least 3 days of workouts and then include daily walks.

Plan it out the night before

Always plan out your workouts the night before. Planning out your workout is a huge step in the motivation process. I also recommend setting out your workout clothes, headphones and other accessories you will need the night before to make things easier for you in the morning. I also recommend turning in a little bit early to rest up the night before. Instead of reaching for a glass of wine after dinner, enjoy a glass of magnesium mixed with water to help relax you before bed.

Plan out fall activities that get you off of the couch

It is so easy to just curl up on the couch on the weekends but I definitely suggest taking advantage of the season and head out for some activities. There are so many activities that are fun and keep you active:

  • apple/pumpkin picking

  • carving pumpkins (works those arm muscles!)

  • Nature walks or hikes

  • Shopping at the farmers market

  • Head out to a local state park

  • Head out to town for a fall shopping day

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