How To Get Motivated For The New Year

If there is one thing I can relate well to it is getting stuck in a rut at the end of the year. From November to the end of December I tend to lose sight of my goals and creativity, get bored with my routine and lack motivation to do anything…at all. I love New Years. Not for the parties but for the fresh start. There is no better new beginning than a New Year (I know that is my opinion but I am sure you feel it in a similar way). The New Year gives us a chance to start fresh with a day one. It allows us to let go of everything that happened the year before and create new goals and aspirations for the year ahead. But sometimes if you are stuck in an “end of the year rut”, it an be hard to set new goals and intentions because you aren’t feeling super motivated. That is where these tips and tools that I provide below come in. I recommend using the time in between Christmas and New Years to follow the tips (which are essentially a guide to discover your goals) that I give you here:

your guide to a fresh start

  1. It is important to start by taking a look back at the previous year. There are going to be things that you love and things that are working for you while there are going to be other things that you want to change and things that no longer serve you. Good news: you don’t have to share this with anyone but yourself (so be honest!). The best way to do this is by doing a writing exercise. Create a list of all the areas of your life (exercise, nutrition, relationships, relationship with your body, your schedule, career, home life, travel, self care, finances, etc. (anything that contributes to your life)). Then once you have your list, begin to rate each area carefully from 1-10. If you want to take it deeper (which I highly recommend), write down the good and bad parts of each area of your life- the things you love that are really working for you and then the things that need some attention. (For example: Exercise: good parts- I have a workout program I enjoy, I love cardio; not so good parts- I struggle with fitting my workouts into my schedule and I lack the motivation to workout.) Getting into the finer details of each category helps you to find your “why” behind your new goals which is key for motivation.

  2. After you have done the first exercise, then it is time to journal. You discovered all the things that are going to stick around for the new year and you’ve figured out what things have been causing you stress, so now it is time to figure out exactly what you want your goals to be. I love to journal about each of these things:
    -What are some things you dream about having in your life but have never sought after?
    -What are some things that would make you happier? (more time?, a new car?, better kitchen organization?, etc.)
    -What do you need to change or get rid of those “negative” areas from exercise 1? (a meditation practice?, better communication with loved ones?, an accountability partner?, boundaries for your personal time?, etc.)

  3. Get inspired!! Sometimes we need to step outside of ourselves to find our goals and get motivated. I love using Pinterest, Instagram, blogs and magazines to spark my inspiration. You can also print and cut out pictures and words and create a mood/vision board to help you visually see what you want out of the next year.

  4. Do a home clean out! How can we expect to be motivated when we are living in chaos?! Starting out the new year with a clean home can help clear your mind. What better time to purge your storage spaces, fridge, closet and kitchen than between Christmas and New Years?! Use this time to clean out all of those cluttered areas of your home. I promise this helps get you set up for a fresh start! Plus it feels so good to start the New Year off with a tidy home.

  5. Get organized! Once you’ve purged your home of everything that no longer serves you, it is time to organize. Get all that laundry folded and put away, organize your fridge and pantry, organize those countertops and make your bathroom into an organized oasis. Organization is a key factor in getting set up for success!

Once you’ve done all of this you probably feel more clear on where you want to head in the New Year. you have probably also discovered some things that are standing in your way of reaching your goals. You may have also discovered that you were searching for the wrong things in previous years. There is so much to discover from these simple exercises (even in the cleaning your home part!). After doing those exercises and establishing my New Years goals, I like to gather some tools to help motivate me even more. Below are my favorite items that help me get off to a good start:

  1. Planner- I never used to be a planner type of person until a few years ago and it changed my life. It not only helped me run my daily tasks smoothly but it also helped me stay accountable with my workouts and self care rituals. I love this planner because it is more than a planner. It helps you to stay focused on your goals and helps you even track habits.

  2. A daily task & schedule desk pad- If a planner isn’t for you, but you still want to get your days more organized this year, then this deskpad is for you. It will help you zero in on your most important tasks of the day instead of having a whole list of to do’s (where the important stuff usually never gets done).

  3. Face masks- I love to start off the year with a little self care in the form of skin care. Having a freshly exfoliated and moisturized base can make you feel so good- something I love to feel at the start of a New Year!

  4. Vitamin C Serum- Vitamin C helps to brighten skin. When I think of how I want to feel at the start of the New Year one of the first things that comes to mind is BRIGHT. This serum can’t brighten your days or mood but it can help brighten your skin. If skin goals are in your forecast then I highly recommend this serum.

  5. A silk sleep set- This is 3 in 1: better sleep, better hair and better skin. This will not only help block out light (which is a main factor in getting good sleep and lowering cortisol) but it will also help you with your skin and hair goals. Silk is one of the most gentle fabrics for hair and skin. Silk also absorbs less dirt and oils which is great for keeping breakouts at bay.

  6. Yoga mat- If fitness goals are in your future, then you will probably need some sort of equipment (whether you workout from home, at the studio or a gym). A yoga mat is the perfect item to start off the year with because it is the place where you will be doing your at home workouts, your yoga workout and those core workouts at the gym.

  7. A new water bottle- Nothing helps get me inspired for my nutrition and hydration goals more than a new water bottle.

  8. A jumprope- I don’t know if you’ve heard, but jump roping is soon to be a huge workout trend. It is an amazing workout for cardio, your booty and core.

  9. Weighted bangles- I love ankle weights, especially ones that can be worn on the wrist. These bangles are the perfect item to support your fitness goals. I love wearing them during my workouts as well as yoga for an added challenge.

  10. Stackable wire storage baskets- I am obsessed with vertical storage. It helps to keep the space looking clean plus it helps support organization goals. These baskets can be stacked in the bathroom, kitchen or storage areas!

  11. Three Tier Basket Wall Storage- This can help free up so much space off your counters in a kitchen or bathroom. this is the perfect item to help you get organized!


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