Tips For Healthier Grocery Shopping

What you bring into your home can dramatically affect your health and it all starts at the grocery store. This is where you are making food choices before they even get on your plate. Having a healthy diet can impact your health in so many ways so it is key that you know how to shop efficiently and healthy. Below are a few of my top tips for navigating the grocery store.

shop produce first

Always start with produce. One of the main reasons is because when you have an empty cart, you’ll be more likely to fill it up right away with whatever is close by. By the time you get to the snack aisles where the unhealthier options are, your cart will be fuller and you’ll be less likely to add unnecessary items. This can have a major impact on your food choices. if you want to avoid the snack aisles altogether, focus on the perimeter of the store first before heading to the middle aisles where the snacks are typically found.

choose wisely in the dairy section

When shopping for either non-dairy and dairy milks, yogurts, butter, cream cheese, etc., it is important to shop organic, no added sugars, no artificial flavorings or ingredients, no carrageenan and no added fillers. This is especially important is dairy/non-dairy items are a large part of your diet. For example, if you enjoy milk in your smoothies, yogurt bowls, milk in cereal or wherever you would use a large serving of dairy/non-dairy items. When shopping for these type of items, try and keep the items as minimal as possible. I love brands such as Miyokos, Vital Farms, Organic Valley, Forager Project, Three Trees Foods, Cocojune, The Coconut Cult, Siggis Dairy as well as many more.

shop snacks smarter

Most packaged snacks are heavily processed and labels can be confusing. The best way to shop snacks is by looking at the ingredients and choose snacks made with minimal ingredients. If you see a long list that is more than 10 ingredients it is best to leave it at the store. Most minimally processed foods will contain a small list of ingredients and they will typically be ingredients you are familiar with versus heavily processed foods.

shop the frozen aisle, but keep it minimal

The idea of buying frozen foods is having the ability to put together a meal with minimal effort. Most frozen foods are heavily processed. However, hidden in that frozen section are some amazing options that can help you throw together a meal as quick as it takes to heat up a frozen pizza. I always recommend stocking up on your favorite organic vegetables as well as grains. These items are pre-washed and pre-cut which can take out the added stress of cooking. You can easily add frozen pre-cooked and frozen brown rice, pre-cooked and frozen quinoa and a frozen vegetable like broccoli and carrots to a pan with oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder and have a delicious healthy meal ready in 10 minutes with minimal effort and clean up. If you do choose to buy pre-made items, shop like you would snacks- minimal ingredients that you are familiar with.

In my Live Well Health and Wellness Coaching Program I walk you through how to navigate the grocery store with ease so you can start eating healthier at home. Check out the program here and join the waitlist today.


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