How To Make Your Coffee Order Healthier

I love coffee, and I am sure if you are reading this blog post then you must love it too. It something that I deeply look forward to as part of my morning routine (especially as a wfh mama). Because coffee is part of my every day routine I try to make it as healthy as possible.

One of the best things you can do to find a healthy balanced routine is look at what you enjoy regularly and healthify it, then save the indulgences for special occasions (or just once in a while). One of those things that you can do is healthify your coffee order. Below are a few tips to help you make your coffee order healthier:

skip the lattes and blended drinks

Skip the lattes (especially if you’re having it with non-dairy milk at a coffee shop). Lattes are mostly milk and a very small amount of espresso. This is especially important if you typically order non-dairy milk. Typical non-dairy milks are filled with a lot of added ingredients to make them smoother and tastier. Unfortunately, these ingredients can wreak havoc on your digestive system and cause other issues when consumed regularly and in large amounts. It is best when ordering non-dairy milk drinks to keep it as a splash of milk. I love a latte as a treat once in a while, but for an every day option I opt for a regular brewed coffee, espresso with a splash of milk, espresso over ice with a splash of milk, an americano with a splash of milk, an iced americano with a splash of milk or cold brew with milk.

skip the sweeteners

Sugar is linked to many issues like skin issues, weight management issues, diabetes and more. It is best to save sugar as a treat once in a while and not in your every day brew. Instead or sugar try something low glycemic like stevia or date syrup. If you are used to adding sweeteners to your coffee, it will take some time to adjust but eventually you will find you don’t need it after all. You may also find that you have less jitters and are less anxious when you choose unsweetened.

skip the flavoring

I love a pumpkin spice latte, however they are typically sweetened more than they should be and are made using artificial sweeteners which can wreak havoc on your skin health and digestion. I recommend skipping out on these flavorings and stick to adding in a dash of cinnamon or cocoa powder which is typically available at most coffee shops. If you are wanting to treat yourself to a seasonal flavor, ask the barista how the flavoring is prepared. Sometimes it is a house made syrup or often they use a flavored bean which is okay on occasion.

skip the oat milk at the coffee shop

Oat milk is typically made with some unhealthy ingredients like rapeseed oil (the same ingredient used in motor oil). Most coffee shops are using oat milk used with this type of oil and other ingredients that can wreak havoc on your health. For non-dairy options opt for almond milk, macadamia nut milk or coconut milk when available.

aim for organic

The best way to make sure your coffee is healthiest is by making it at home. At home you can control what goes in your cup. And if you do make it at home, make sure your coffee grounds are high quality and organic. Coffee beans are typically sprayed with pesticides that are harmful to the body. To ensure you aren’t taking in more toxins than you need to, opt for organic. This is one of my favorite coffee brands here.

use clean milks at home

When making a coffee at home and adding in non-dairy milk, opt for cleaner options. I recommend using milks made with minimal ingredients and ones that are unsweetened.

Click here to see all of my coffee making essentials.


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