My Favorite Hydration Products


We have all heard about the importance of hydration. Water is necessary for survival. But are we hydrating properly?

Last year Bobby and I invested in a Berkey water filter for our home. Like most water filters, it filters out all of the vitamins and minerals, leaving just the water without the junk. What happens when we filter our water is that we are taking out minerals that are essential to hydrating. Without things like electrolytes, our bodies cannot properly absorb the water. After months of drinking from the Berkey filter, both Bobby and I started to feel dehydrated and tired. It wasn’t until careful research that I learned about mineral depletion from filtered water. For more on this, check out this book here. When we filter water, we need to add minerals back into the water so our bodies can properly hydrate. You may have even seen some products in stores that can be added to water to boost hydration. Below are my favorites:

Sea Salt

The basic and easiest way to boost your hydration. It may seem counteractive to add salt to water for hydration, but it works! Sea salt is filled with essential minerals that help to make your water more absorbable. I just add a couple pinches to a filtered water bottle and let it sit for a few minutes before sipping.

Nuun Tablets

I am always carrying Nuun tablets with me wherever I go. I personally love the sport options because they are meant to help you replenish lost electrolytes and boost hydration. I use them post workout, when traveling, hiking or whenever I feel like I need an extra hydration boost.


This stuff is the amazing. They use real ingredients in their product like salt and natural flavoring which will help to boost hydration and replenish electrolytes after a good sweat. These are great for on the go!

Coconut Water

Coconut water is filled with naturally occurring electrolytes (it is the queen bee of hydration in my opinion). Not only is it filled with electrolytes to replenish your body after a sweaty workout, but it also includes essential vitamins and nutrients like potassium. This is perfect to pair with your workout. If the taste of coconut water isn’t your favorite, try adding sliced fruit like pineapple to it to add flavor.

Fruit Infused water

I do this almost daily. I add a pinch of salt to 12 oz. of filtered water, and then I add fruit and herbs such as:

  • Sliced cucumber, strawberries and mint

  • Lime and raspberry

  • Lemon

  • Lemon and strawberry

  • Cucumber and mint

Let me know how you stay hydrated in the comments below!

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