How To Build A Healthy Routine

Reaching any goal in the area of health and wellness requires commitment and consistency. You have to commit to your goals and be consistent with the habits that support those goals in order to see results. In order to commit to your goals and to be consistent with your habits, you have to create a routine. Having a routine is ideal and will help you optimize your habits. Below are a few tips for building a routine:

write it down

Once you commit to reaching a goal, I recommend writing down your new routine that supports that goal. When you write down your routine, you will be more likely to stay consistent with those habits and it solidifies your commitment to yourself and your goals. Writing down your routine can be as simple as writing down a few habits to complete in the morning and evening time, setting up your fitness and meal prep plan or writing down a precise routine to follow including all of the habits you are committing to. Writing down your routine helps you to stay organized as well which is also key to reaching your goals.

start small

Taking baby steps creates consistency. If you try to do too much at once it can backfire. I love to give the example: if you try to go for a marathon before you’ve done your first 5k, you are setting yourself up for disaster. You have to gradually work your way up. The same idea applies to all areas of health and wellness. Putting too much pressure on yourself at the beginning is not sustainable. You have to slowly work your way to your first marathon by completing baby steps. You will get to where you want to be eventually.

don’t go about it alone

Accountability is often the missing piece in most health and wellness plans and routines. You need some sort of accountability to hold you accountable for reaching your goals. Accountability acts as a reminder for reaching your goals, helps you to keep track of your goals as well as helps you feel less alone on your journey. This could be a person in your life who shares similar health and wellness interests, a workout partner, a health coach, a workout program or other habit building tools.

I built the 30 Days To Healthy Habits to help you build a lasting health routine that works for you. This program includes a written plan and guidance to help you form your healthy routine, guidance to helping you through taking those baby steps towards your ultimate goal and routine as well as offers accountability through weekly guidance, habit trackers and more. Check out the program here.


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