Evolution Series Part 2: Getting Over Comparison On Your Wellness Journey


Part of evolving into your best self is getting through the not so fun parts. It is a journey. There are going to be lots of ups and downs and lots of struggles you will have to overcome. No matter what your goal is, you will most likely find yourself feeling comparison at some point. Things like social media plays a large role in influencing how we think and feel. It can even play a large role in your wellness journey. This can be a good thing because it can open you up to new concepts and wellness products but it can also have downsides like comparison.

Why do we compare ourselves to others?

A large part of comparison is seeing another person living a certain way or looking a certain way and wanting it for ourselves. In fairness this can be a good thing because it acts as inspiration for the life you want to create. However, there is a large negative side to wanting what another has. When we see someone else living or looking a certain way that we desire for ourselves, it can often lead to feelings of “I am not worthy”, “I am not capable”, “I am not enough”, or “I don’t have enough”, etc. This can cause enormous amounts of stress on the body which can take you in the opposite direction that you desire to go.

Something that helped me immensely that I want to remind you of is that we all have the same potential within us. When you see another person living their dream life it is important to remind yourself that you have the power to achieve that too just in your own unique way).

Below are my tips for overcoming comparison:

  1. Follow people on social media that make you feel good about yourself. If you feel like you are constantly checking in on an influencer and find yourself comparing yourself to that person, then it might be time to unfollow them.

  2. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good. Make sure the crew you hang out with the most are people who don’t make you constantly want to assess your lifestyle, circumstances, health, body, wardrobe, etc. The people you are around should support you as you are not as they want you to be.

  3. Add in a manifestation practice to your life. Manifestation is so important for getting what you desire. I do this simply through journaling 10 minutes every morning. I love to journal not just about how the day is, but I journal about my potential, my blocks and how I can overcome them. See below for a few of the journal prompts that I use for journaling.

  4. If you enjoy listening to podcasts or following influencers on social media, make sure to follow a diverse group of people. It is important to remain open to different concepts and ideas and you can do that by listening to ideas of many and not just from one.

Journal prompts for growth:

  • What are my biggest blocks (the things standing in my way of achieving what I want).

  • In what ways can I overcome those blocks?

  • What is it exactly what I want in life?

  • If I were to have my dream life, how would I feel and what would it look like?

  • When I look to places outside of myself for inspiration or ideas does it spark inspiration or does it spark negative feeling towards myself?

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