Essential Wellness Practices For Your 30’s

If you weren’t focused on your health and wellness habits in your 20’s or if you’ve found that your commitments are a little different as you’ve entered your 30’s, then this is the perfect time to start creating a routine that you can take with you long term.

Your 30’s is the time to begin building a long lasting healthy routine. This time in your life can give you insight into how your daily life will look like in the future and you can begin to create habits and routines that fit that vision. An example, fitting your fitness and meal prep routine around your kids. When you spend time in your 30’s working to build healthy habits, you won’t have to stress so much as you age about things like metabolic health, hormone health, digestion and other concerns for women as they age. This is the optimal time to build the foundation for a healthy life as you age and to begin adding in wellness practices for optimal health.

While you should practice healthy habits at any age and every day, there are a few practices that I recommend making a primary focus in your 30’s.

build a fitness routine that includes strength training

Your 30’s are a great time to start building a fitness routine and especially a strength training practice. Building strength during your 30’s will help prevent muscle loss and increase bone density as you age which is so important for your overall health. Strength training is also beneficial for your metabolic health which is important as you age. Studies show that losing weight as a woman becomes more difficult as you age. This is due to muscle loss, hormone shifts, and other factors. So starting a practice during your 30’s that promotes a healthy metabolism such as strength training is key.

never skip out on breakfast

As mentioned, your hormones and metabolism play an important role in maintaining a healthy weight as you age. This is why skipping breakfast is not ideal. When you skip breakfast, your body will see this as stressor which causes your cortisol levels to rise. When you have a high amount of cortisol being released often it can have impacts on hormone balance and your metabolism. I recommend starting off the day with a protein rich meal like a smoothie, yogurt parfait, a veggie scramble or something packed with high quality protein and vitamin rich fruits/vegetables. Your 30’s is a great time to start figuring out a breakfast routine that works for you and your lifestyle.

skip the late night snacking

One of the most common habits that can affect a woman’s metabolism and digestion is late night snacking. Just avoiding this one thing can have major impacts on your metabolic health, digestive health and your over all health. Your 30’s is a great time to start cutting out the habit of late night snacking and learn how you can prevent the need or craving for it. I recommend making sure that you aren’t eating dinner too early in the evening (as well as not too late) where you will be hungry by 8pm and making sure that dinner is packed with healthy fats, fiber and high quality protein to keep you full and satiated. Doing this will help avoid any late night cravings.

Want more guidance on integrating these practices in your own life? Check out my 1:1 health coaching program here where I can guide you through creating a healthy lifestyle to reach your goals.


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