A Simple Guide For Effective Habits When You Are Short On Time

An important tool to keep in your health and wellness toolkit is the ability to make your habits more efficient. There will be times where you will have a large amount of time to spend working out, cooking and completing other time consuming habits. However, a lot of the time you might be on a time crunch to get things done. So what do you do when you are on a time crunch but still want to get in a workout, have a healthy meal (preferably something from your own kitchen) and still want to get in those in between habits like meditation and sipping a warm lemon water? Instead of skipping it all together because of a lack of time, take a look at these useful tips that will help you complete your habits quicker (and keep them just as effective!) so you can go on enjoying life while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Quick Nutrition

Spending time in the kitchen cooking up a healthy meal can be so rewarding. However, there are lots of times where you won’t have a huge chunk of time to set aside for cooking (which also includes prep and clean up time). This is where quick but still effective nutrition tools come in handy.

  1. Utilize smoothies. Smoothies can be an excellent source of nutrition. They are so easy to make and they require minimal prep and clean up. I love making a delicious fruit & protein smoothie in the morning and a delicious lean and green smoothie in the afternoon when I’m short on time. I love adding in this protein powder here that includes some amazing sources of protein to keep you full on a busy day. Smoothies are a great healthy option for the girl on the go!

  2. Buy frozen fruits & veggies. This is a huge time saver and it is something that I swear by. This saves so much time at dinner. It also helps minimize prep and clean up time. I love having a big bag of frozen stir fry mix and frozen pre-cooked brown rice and quinoa in the freezer to make a quick healthy stir fry.

  3. Cook once eat twice. Leftovers are a massive time saver. Start by making larger batches of your dinner meals and saving a serving for next days lunch or dinner. This is a great way to continue those healthy eating habits into the next day.

  4. Take advantage of things that can be done in a quick minute like getting your lemon water ready to drink or drinking AG1 from Athletic Greens. These are habits that make a huge impact on your wellbeing but are so quick and easy to incorporate.

Quick & Effective Workouts

One of the best ways to take advantage of a small amount of workout time is with a total body workout. This workout would work multiple muscle groups at once to help cut down time but also give you an effective workout. It works by pairing 2 to 3 exercises that can be done fluidly together to work multiple muscles. For example- weighted squat to bicep curl to shoulder press (working the booty, legs, core, biceps and shoulders at the same time). Another great workout is a HIIT style workout where you also work multiple muscle groups in a short time span.

Habit Stacking

Habit stacking is one of the most efficient ways to get in your habits. It works by stacking a habit on top of another habit. Ideally these habits are things that can be done at the same time. This helps to cut down on time and help you create healthy habits in a sustainable way. A few of my favorite examples are:

Sipping warm lemon water while going for a walk- this wakes up your digestion, wakes you up and helps to raise your energy.
Doing a meditation while sipping your morning beverage- this is great to do in place of scrolling social media while sipping your morning coffee or matcha. this helps you start the day on a calm and positive note.
Taking your coffee time for a walk- a great way to incorporate outdoor time and it helps reduce social media scrolling. Pro tip- use this time to listen to a podcast!
Getting a healthy lunch together while your coffee brews- This is a great way to make sure you stay on track towards your healthy eating goals.
Hydrate and take your morning vitamins while your coffee brews- Water before coffee is so important for your wellbeing!
Sip on AG1 by Athletic Greens on your morning commute- AG1 can replace your multi vitamin, multi mineral, pre and probiotic and it provides immunity support and more. It’s the healthiest thing you can do for yourself in under a minute!

Tap here to receive 5 FREE travel pack and a year supply of Vitamin D drops with your first purchase of Athletic Greens

Want to take your healthy habits to the next level? Click here to learn more about my health coaching program where I will work 1 on 1 with you to reach your health and wellness goals!


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