Wedding Wellness Plan


I can’t believe that we are less than two months away from our big day! We are finally starting to get everything together. We finally got Bobbys’ suit, our shoes and accessories! Everything is coming together and we are getting excited over here! I recently wrote a blog post on how wedding planning is going including the things that I am incorporating into my fitness and nutrition routine to get ready for the big day that you can check out here. This year is a huge wedding year (mostly due to the weddings from 2020 that were pushed to 2021)! So I figured I would share a deeper dive into how I will be nourishing my body over the next month and a half.

My goal for our big day is to feel radiant, glowing, toned and confident. I have worked hard over the years to create sustainable healthy habits, but since my wedding day is coming up I want to take it to the next level. Below I am sharing everything with you! Not only am I sharing how I will be nourishing my body, but I am also going to share my workouts and a monthly challenge (we will talk more about that below!)


No crash dieting here! I am going to be nourishing my body with a diet rich in plants. Here is my plan:

I usually eat 3 meals a day, so I am sticking to that! My meals are always filled with healthy fats, protein and lots of vegetables and greens and they will always continue to be that way. For my wedding ready plan I will be incorporating a few changes. Here is my plan:

  • I will be eating leafy greens with every dinner (something that I did this past winter and I loved it)

  • No carbohydrates after 3pm (so I will be enjoying my brown rice and sweet potato during my lunches)

  • I will be eating a mainly vegan diet. I have been a vegetarian for almost 16 years! I started eating seafood again 2 years ago and lately it hasn’t been serving me (more on my journey here). I have always felt my best when 100% plant based so I am going back to that!

  • No snacking after dinner. This is something I do already but I am sticking to it (I feel more energized the next morning and less bloated).

  • Clean snacks on the weekends. Instead of indulging on some chips by the pool, I will be making fruit plates and veggies with hummus.

  • Lots of coconut water! I used to drink coconut water regularly, but then I forgot about it. I will be adding coconut water to post workout smoothies as well as sipping with fruit throughout the day.

  • Sipping on a “metabolism booster shake” mid morning between breakfast and lunch. I have been loving Sakaras Metabolism powder! I don’t love it in my smoothies so I prep it in a shake with protein powder and coconut water (it is so delicious). This helps with bloat and energy!

  • Adding more green tea. I will be doing more matcha lattes and warm green teas.

  • Daily grapefruit & lemon sips. I juice 1 lemon, 1 grapefruit and add to water with a dash of cayenne. This is my favorite metabolism boosting sip!

  • Daily lemon water with cayenne pepper. This helps promote healthy skin, better digestion and boosts metabolism.

  • Limited alcohol consumption. This is something that I am very aware of already but I am being more diligent about avoiding it (more on this soon about my journey with alcohol and removing it from my lifestyle). This is a tough one because summer is coming and a glass of rosè sounds refreshing, plus there are wedding events taking place that include alcohol. I will be avoiding it almost entirely with the exception of a couple glasses of wine during wedding events. Check out my “wedding beauty blog post” coming soon explaining why I will be cutting it out entirely for 21 days leading up to the wedding day.

  • Hydrating like crazy! Beginning 1 month out, I will be sipping 60 oz of water everyday. I will also be adding fruit or Sakaras Detox and Beauty Water drops. I am hoping that this starts the habit of drinking more water for me!

The 3 days leading up to the wedding:

Since we are having our wedding on the East Coast, I won’t have access to my own groceries or kitchen which makes it hard to eat healthy. We also have our rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding which makes it hard to eat clean. I will be ordering Sakaras 3 day meal program and sending it to where we will be staying leading up the wedding (I will be eating the meals for the 3 days leading up to the wedding). I will also be ordering the Energy Super Bars to eat the morning of. This to me is the best way to ensure that I will be eating clean the week of the wedding. I also am excited to do this because it takes away the pressure to have to cook or order out before the wedding day (one less thing you need to do). For those of you who will have access to a kitchen and want to prep your own meals, I recommend meal prepping a few days before to free up time the few days prior to the wedding day. I also won’t be consuming any alcohol these 3 days and I will be staying extra hydrated!


I will be moving my body 7 days a week. Below is my workout plan!

  • Walk 7 days a week. I walk my dog every morning about 2.5-3 miles.

  • Toning workouts 5-6 days a week. I usually do 30-45 minutes full body toning workouts. I will either do weight training or barre workouts.

  • Yoga 3 days a week. I plan on doing 30-60 minutes yoga session a few days a week. Yoga helps me decompress and destress, plus it is a great way to nourish the body.

  • Cardio 3-4 days a week. My favorite forms of cardio are a 20 minute run or a HIIT workout.

I will either combine cardio with toning or toning with yoga.

Stress Management

  • Journal daily- I am going to be journaling every day. This time in life can be so emotional so I will be taking pen to paper and writing down all my thoughts.

  • Gratitude practice- I will be continuing to complete my gratitude practices every day, writing down 3 things I am grateful for everyday.

  • 10 minutes of meditation everyday! I am going to be diligent about this! I am going to end every workout with 10 minutes of meditation.

Stay tuned for a blog post on my wedding beauty prep!

Wedding Prep Challenge

This challenge can be done by ANYONE, not just the bride! I created a 30 day calendar with a fitness challenge attached to each day (I added a day 31 for the months that include 31 days). Each day will have a workout challenge and you will complete 30 reps of each move (if it is something that is done on one leg/side of the body at a time, you will complete 30 reps on each side). This challenge will be live on the homepage through the summer! I did not do a month/day specific calendar so that way you can join in whenever you’d like! I will be adding this onto my regular workouts! This is a great way to get ready for the summer and get ready for any wedding events that you have! If a move doesn’t connect with you, feel free to do 30 reps of your favorite move! I will be starting on May 1st and then repeating till my wedding, mid June. After the wedding I will join back in to get ready for our honeymoon in Cabo and repeat again over the summer (so we can do this all summer long together). If you are unfamiliar with some of the moves, check out my stories and story highlights on Instagram starting May 1st- I will be posting the moves daily.

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Any fellow brides out there?! Let me know your wedding prep ideas in the comments below!

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Wedding Beauty Prep


Why I Transitioned Back To 100% Plant Based And My Tips For Making The Switch