Fall Beauty Product Must Haves

I look forward to seasonal changes mostly because I get to change up my skin care products! Did you know that it is important to adjust your hair and skin care products according to your needs of the current season? It is true! Fall time is the time to shed summer skin, repair sun damaged skin, and prepare for the harsh winter. This means doing things like exfoliating, adding in essential vitamins to heal skin as well as hydrating hair and skin. Below are the products I am currently using!

Fall Hair Care

Shampoo & conditioner

Fall time is when I start using more hydrating hair products. I love using this shampoo and this conditioner when I wash my hair. It is super hydrating and it smells amazing! Plus they are both non toxic! I follow up my shower with a leave in conditioner. I use a few sprays of this leave in conditioner here. It is light weight and makes it so easy to comb through, especially during the drier seasons. I wash my hair about every 3 days. On the second or third day I use a dry shampoo. This is my favorite dry shampoo. It starts as a foam and then turns into a dry shampoo once applied. It also smells incredible!

Styling Products

This is my go-to styling product. It creates volume & moisturizes together! I use it year round, even in the drier seasons when most volumizing products are drying out the hair (this one does not!).

Skin Care

Face wash

My face washing routine has changed overtime but I finally found a ritual that works for me. First I start the day by either washing my face with water alone or I will wash with this cream cleanser here. At night, I will first cleanse my skin with this oil cleanser here to remove makeup. I apply the oil by massaging it into my skin in circular motions. I then remove it with these reusable cleansing pads. Then I follow that by washing with this gel cleanser here. A double wash at night is essential for removing all makeup and dirt.


Toner is something that I am trying to get in the habit of doing more often. After cleansing, I have been spraying on this toner here. I also love storing it in a glass spray bottle and spraying over my makeup to make it look more dewy.

Facial oils

I am a facial oil lover. Adding facial oils into my routine has completely changed my skin. I first start by applying this facial oil here. It is balancing and hydrating. I then follow by applying rose hips oil. Rose hips is perfect for adding hydration and protecting against wrinkles. I love using this as an under eye oil! Next up is this antioxidant facial oil here. It is made with argan oil which is so hydrating for the skin. It makes the skin feel SO soft and moist! I also have been using jojoba oil for my body oil. It is inexpensive and it is the perfect non toxic alternative to drug store body lotion. Lastly, I have added in castor oil to my routine. I am using this for eyebrow and eye lash health. It has been shown to help grow health eyebrows and eye lashes. I apply a few drops to my hand first and then lightly apply it to my eyebrows and eye lashes. I mostly do this as a part of my nightly routine because makeup doesn’t apply well on top.

Facial Serums

After I apply my facial oils, I then move on to my serum. In the morning I apply a Vitamin C serum. I love this one here. Vitamin C helps to brighten the skin. At night, I apply this Vitamin A serum here. Vitamin A helps to repair sun damage and hydrate the skin, perfect for post summer skin! I also have been loving this anti-aging serum here!

Skin Treatment

I apply a skin treatment at night. This one here is my favorite. It includes lactic acid which provides healthy exfoliation and helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles.


I stopped using moisturizers last year, but I recently added it back into my routine for environmental protection and extra hydration. Right now I am using this moisturizer . I have also been adding in these tanning drops to my moisturizer to help keep my summer glow going.

Eye Cream

There is nothing more soothing than a good eye cream or serum. I have been loving this eye serum here. Hydration is so important for preventing wrinkles.


I love using a lip balm all day but especially at night. My favorite is this one here.


Fall time is the perfect time to exfoliate. This time of year I am exfoliating more often, about 3-4 times a week. I am currently using this sea moss exfoliator here.

Facial Masks

I LOVE a good face mask. They have so many benefits to the skin and it is an amazing form of self care. I love using this quick 5 minute face mask here for gentle exfoliation and moisture. I am also loving this face mask here from OSEA. My other favorite face mask is this one here. The great thing about this one here is that it doesn’t need to be washed off so I love to wear it as an over night face mask.

Facial Tools

I never knew how beneficial facial tools were until I started using them for myself. The tool I am using everyday is this Gua Sha tool here. To read more about the benefits of Gua Sha, check out this blog post here. I also love to use this facial roller here. I store mine in the fridge so it is nice and cold. Using a facial roller can help to depuff the skin and help products absorb into the skin better. I also have been using this facial steamer here. I am using this on days when I feel like doing an at home facial. It helps to open the pores which can make for better results from facial masks and facial products. Lastly I have been using this at home microdermabrasion tool. This tool can massage skin, help with lymphatic drainage, exfoliate and unclog pores. I use it once a week and I am LOVING it.


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