The 3 Things That Are Always In My Smoothies

Creating nutritious breakfasts was at the top of my list of healthy habits to incorporate into my life when I first started creating healthy habits back at the beginning of my health and wellness journey. I knew that if I wanted to really see results in my health, wellness and fitness journey then I would have to start prioritizing healthy eating. I knew that having a bagel a few times a week and sugary cereals on the other days for breakfast was not going to help me reach my goals- so I swapped them out… for SMOOTHIES!

Smoothies are a meal that I was instantly hooked on because it was basically like having a healthy dessert for breakfast but also because they were so nutritious!

Smoothies are:

-a quick and easy way to start off the morning with something healthy, which means more time in the morning for other healthy habits like your workouts, prioritizing more sleep, journaling, meditation, etc.

-easier to digest because the foods are broken down by the blender (no chewing necessary) which means your body won’t have to use as much energy to digest leaving you with more energy and a better mood! Your body will also be able to absorb the nutrients easier too!

-an amazing way to get in lots of vitamins and nutrients at once!

When it comes to making a smoothie I always make sure to have these 3 things included:


Protein is essential for your overall health. It helps provide clean energy, provides structure to your tissues and cells, supports immunity and supports muscle growth (making protein especially essential post workout!). Some of my favorite plant based protein sources for smoothies are: pea protein, hempseed, chia seed, spirulina, nuts and seeds.


Fiber is essential for healthy digestion. Without fiber your body cannot eliminate waste properly which can lead to reabsorbing toxins and hormones back into your body which can wreak havoc on your body and cause things like hormone imbalances and other issues. Fiber also helps to keep you full and satiated after a meal, which means less cravings throughout the day! It also helps to balance blood sugar levels which helps with appetite control, keeps you satiated, helps with mood and more! My favorite sources to add to smoothies are flaxseed, chia seed, hempseed, berries (and other fruit), avocado and dark leafy greens.

Healthy Fats

Fat is essential for the body. It is necessary for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins like Vitamins A, D, E and K. It is also essential for healthy brain function, healthy weight management, healthy digestion, energy, satiety and more! My favorite sources to add to smoothies are chia seed, hempseed, nut butters, nuts and seeds, coconut oil, coconut and avocado.

Check out my favorite smoothie recipe here!

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