My Must Have Supplements For Spring


Spring is officially here! Which means warmer weather, more sunshine and flowers. It is also time to start getting your body out of winter mode, and start getting into spring/summer mode. A few things that I start changing up around this time of the year is my skin care routine, hair care routine, fitness routine, food and my supplements (basically everything!). The seasons are changing so why shouldn’t we change up how we take care of ourselves?!

My spring goals right now are to keep my gut health in check, keep my immune system healthy (since it is allergy season), get my hair and skin glowing (to get ready for my wedding day and because I am spending more time outside as it gets warmer) and to get a better sleep (because lets face it- better quality sleep = better health).

Below are some of the supplements that I am currently taking to get out of my winter rut:

Skin Squad Pre + Probiotic (Nurtures the gut and clears skin)

I love a good probiotic and I especially love this one because it also contains prebiotic. This pre + probiotic formula contains 9 strains of probiotics that help to balance the gut microbiome. It also contains probiotics from konjac root to help feed the good bacteria in the gut. This is the perfect supplement to take to help aid in healthy digestion and promote a healthy and clear complexion.

Here comes the sun (D3 without UV damage)

Vitamin D (the sunshine Vitamin as I like to call it) is something that I have been taking consistently lately (especially because wearing sunscreen can block out essential Vitamin D). To make sure I get enough Vitamin D (and so I can still wear sunscreen and protect my skin from the sun) I take a supplement. I love it because it’s a natural mood booster, it supports the immune system and it aids in calcium absorption (important for bone health). I also love it because it’s vegan (which is not the case for most Vitamin D supplements that are on the market).

Mighty Night (overnight cell renewal)

Who wouldn’t want healthy skin overnight? This is my new favorite supplement and one reason is because I have been getting some of my best sleep since taking it. This supplement contains ceramides that help skin retain moisture which in turn help to improves skin texture and tone. It also contains antioxidant ferric acid to help combat free radicals that cause early signs of aging alongside CoQ10 to help protect the cell membrane and eliminate free radicals.

red carpet (For glowing skin and shiny hair)

This supplement is a favorite of mine. It contains vitamins that take care of my body plus my hair and skin. This supplement contains Vitamin E which I like to think of as a ticket to shiny hair and glowing skin. It also contains black currant seed oil which contains GLA + ALA, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to support healthy, hydrated skin and stronger hair. I have been taking this everyday as apart of my “wedding ready plan” so my hair and skin will be glowing on my big day.

Other things that I am doing for my body this spring

  • Bath time with epsom salt and lavender essential oils- This will help relieve sore muscles and help calm and ease my nervous system.

  • Spend more time outside- Getting out in nature has so many benefits for your mood and health. I love going out in nature for a walk, run or a hike.

  • Exfoliating- I love exfoliating my body to get rid of any dry skin that has been building up over the dry winter months. To make a hydrating body exfoliator: mix 1 part coconut oil and 1 part sugar (I like to add in a few drops of essential oils like lime and bergamot).

Hum Nutrition is my go to for getting good quality vitamins with personalized recommendations from experts. Click here to take a short quiz to find out which supplements are perfect for you and your body!

I would love to hear how you are getting ready for spring/summer!

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14 Of My Best Kept Secrets To Glowing Skin Plus The Products That I Can’t Live Without


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