9 Things You Can Do To Help Relieve Stress


Do you ever feel like there is just so much to stress and worry over? Me too! About three and a half years ago when Bobby and I moved from our hometown to Phoenix, I developed TMJ. I had never experienced anything like it. I woke up one morning and my jaw was aching. It grew worse as time went on. I often couldn’t eat because the pain was so bad. I had researched on my own what was happening to me, but it wasn’t until my dentist confirmed it that I knew I had TMJ. My dentist asked what was going on and if I was stressed (which was causing me to tighten my jaw throughout the day and night). It wasn’t until that moment that I realized how moving across country had been taking a toll on me.

Here is the funny thing about when you are diagnosed with something, you notice that it is everywhere and you run into many people who are dealing with a similar issue. I remember about a year after dealing, I started asking friends if they’d heard of it and it turned out that they also had it. This thing that I had never heard about was suddenly all around me! I realized that this was so common, not often talked about and it was under no circumstances normal or a sustainable way of living. After dealing with the pain for almost a year, I decided I needed to do something about it. I couldn’t live with the pain anymore and the massage techniques that I had read about online weren’t helping. I developed a stress free system/routine and my TMJ was completely non existent about 6 months later. Below are the tools that I used to help manage my stress.

  1. Group fitness classes- I have always been into fitness and I have always worked out from the comfort of my own home. There was always something about working out from home that was so comforting. During my time of dealing with TMJ, I would always drive by Core Power Yoga and think about how much I wanted to take a yoga class (because I had heard yoga was amazing for reducing stress). I finally decided to take a class and instantly fell in love. I loved being surrounded by others and I loved the motivation from the instructors. I soon after bought a membership and went almost every single day for a year and a half. I loved seeing the same faces in class everyday and I loved having something to look forward to everyday. Having a place to go away from my house, surrounded by like minded people, and being in a judgement free zone was everything I had needed. Yes, the fitness/yoga routines were relaxing but it was being in a group fitness class that eased my stress. You don’t need to sign up for a membership at a studio, but I do recommend finding something that will connect you with others in an active way. There are many different things you can do like join a local volleyball team or hiking group. It is all about connection as well as being active. If group fitness classes really are not your thing, don’t sweat it! Just being active and moving your body are great ways to help reduce stress levels.

  2. Find a way to connect with like minded people- Like I said above, it is important to find things that help you connect with others. This is different than connecting with family and friends. I am in so many ways similar to my friends and family, but I am also different in a lot of ways. There can also be bias, judgment or expectations in personal friendships and relationships. Sometimes it is refreshing to get an outside connection from people who don’t know your whole story. I did this through my social media platform. I reached out to a girl who had a promotion for a company she was apart of. I jumped at the idea expecting nothing. It turned out to be an instance where I would make commission off selling a product by another company. I wasn’t into selling the products, but I was however into connecting with others. This was actually the beginning of @livewellbykimmy !! I created my social media platforms and began connecting with others. It was so refreshing to speak to other women who didn’t know anything about me but were into similar things that I was. I am still building these connections with other women and we cheer each other on everyday! You don’t need to create a fitness social media account, but there are other things you can do to connect with others. There are local meetups all of the time where you can find activities based on your own personal interests. You can also join a local book club! In my wellness program, I have virtual and in person group meet ups where we discuss everything wellness related and what is going on in our lives! For more info click here.

  3. Create a routine- I always suggest creating a morning and nightly routine (even for those who prefer to live spontaneously). This will help keep you focused and centered. For information on how to set up a morning routine, click here. Having a routine can help set you up for a successful day especially if you include light movement and meditation. Having a daily routine/schedule can also help to take away some of the stress from the day. I keep a planner which is a huge help for keeping me focused and centered.

  4. Don’t skip meals- As much pain as I was in, I knew how important it was to eat. Skipping meals can lead to blood sugar dips and spikes which can add to the stress on your body and mind. I am someone who loses their appetite when stressed so I often have to remind myself to eat when i take on big projects or when my plate is too full.

  5. Avoid sugar- Bobby and I are opposites when it comes to stress. He craves sugar and looks to processed foods for comfort. Sugar and processed foods can cause blood sugar spikes and dips. It can also affect your digestion and gut health which can also add to bodily stress. While those foods may bring comfort in the moment they can actually make stress worse.

  6. Schedule things to look forward to- I always need to have something to look forward to. I love having vacation, hiking, camping, weekend brunch or restaurant plans. I am always researching new local restaurants, local boutiques and plant stores to check out. I always have a list of local places to check out so that way I always have something to look forward to.

  7. Listen to music or a podcast- I truly love listening to both. I love having music on while I work, bathe, run and clean, and I love listening to podcasts in the car or on a walk. Listening to music can be so soothing and relaxing. Check out my Spotify playlist here that includes some of my favorite stress relieving tunes. I also love a good podcast. For some of my favorite picks, click here.

  8. Journal- I love to journal. It can be such a great way to release emotions. i love to free write about how I am feeling and anything that is bothering me or stressing me out. I find myself feeling so much better after. For journal prompts to motivate you to journal, click here.

  9. Meditation- This is a habit that I am still working on creating for myself. I love to do 10 minute meditations right when I wake up or right before bed. You have probably heard this many times before but it is such a great way to calm down and ease the mind. Research has shown so many amazing affects and benefits that meditation has on the brain and nerve function.

If you have TMJ or any stressed related issue, I am so sorry you are going through it. I totally understand what you are going through. I cannot promise these techniques will get rid of your TMJ, but I can promise that less stress is key to a healthier and better life.

What are some ways that you’ve healed your stress?

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