The Ingredient I Am Loving Right Now: Chia Seeds


If you follow me on social media, you've probably noticed that I add chia seeds to all of my smoothies. Chia seeds are something that I add to my diet about 3-5 days a week. Chia seeds are these tiny little gray-black seeds that grow into a flower (where they are harvested from). They are mild in taste but they contain so many benefits. There are so many reasons to incorporate chia seeds into your daily routine.

  • Chia seeds help keep you hydrated- This might be the coolest part about chia seeds. If you have ever made chia seed pudding, you've noticed that a lot of the liquid gets absorbed into the chia seed (which is the reason why it becomes a pudding like consistency). In fact, chia seeds can absorb about 10-30x their weight in liquid. Because of this, they help to regulate bodily fluid and retain electrolytes. Chia seeds in your smoothie after a good sweat session is a great way to help replenish your body and help you avoid dehydration. I love having chia seeds after a long day of hiking to help replenish lost fluid and electrolytes.
  • Chia seeds are packed with Omega 3's- Omega 3's are important for healthy brain function, hair growth, skin growth, nail growth. Omega 3's are also important for fighting inflammation and keeping your heart healthy. Chia seeds are jam packed with omega 3's, so eat up!
  • Chia seeds are packed with powerful antioxidants- Antioxidants are important for fighting off free radicals (which can cause cancer and other diseases). These antioxidants help fight inflammation plus they also aid in healthy hair growth.
  • Chia seeds are full of fiber- There are about 10 grams of fiber in 3 tbsp of chia seeds. Fiber helps keep you satiated, aid in healthy digestion and regulate blood sugar levels.

Some of my favorite ways to incorporate chia seeds are:

  • Add chia seeds to your smoothie. Because they are almost tasteless, you won't even know you are drinking them. Plus they will help keep you hydrated post workout.
  • Make a chia seed pudding (recipe below). This makes a delicious and nutritious breakfast, snack or low glycemic dessert.
  • Add to a juice. Green juices and other juices tend to have a lot of sugar (even those 100% apple juices). Adding fiber into your juice will help to control blood sugar levels, so you won't see a blood sugar spike after consuming. My tip is to add a teaspoon or 2 to your drink and let it sit for a few hours. The chia seeds will form a gel like consistency making them easier to drink.

My favorite way to use chia seeds is chia seed pudding. This recipe makes about 2-4 servings. You can store in the fridge for up to 4 days after making.

Yields 2-4 servings

1 cup of your favorite plant based milk
1/2 cup of dry chia seeds
toppings of your choice (I love cacao nibs, blueberries or raspberries and coconut)

Directions: Mix together the milk and chia seeds in a glass jar. Mix well, then put the lid on. Store in the fridge over night. When you are ready to eat, top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

Let me know how you are using chia seeds at home in the comments!



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