My Fitness Journey/Routine

Working out is a topic that I get super excited to talk about. As much as I love to cook, I LOVE to workout. Which sounds crazy to me because when I’m in it I check the clock ALOT! But I truly love working out. I love how it makes me feel inside and out, and I can truly feel the benefits it is doing for my whole body.

Before I get going, I ask that you keep in mind that this is what works for me. It may not work for you. I know alot of people who prefer the gym and feel like they can’t get a good workout in without gym equipment/machines. (I've tried to talk my boyfriend into working out with me at home and it's always a no). I’m sharing what I do and what I’ve done in the past. Also, if you are thinking about trying something new in your fitness routine or want to start a fitness program, always consult with your doctor first.

Growing up, I was never really active in sports. I had done some dance classes and played soccer as a kid but I didn't love it. And when I hit high school, I started hanging out with friends who were very active in sports and ate however they wanted. I did not have the metabolism they had and I started gaining weight fast. I will never forget my mom telling me to stop wearing leggings everyday (because I wasn’t noticing how much weight I was gaining). Its funny now because I wear leggings almost everyday and have never felt better.

So I started going to the gym everyday sophomore year of high school. I would do the elliptical everyday for 30-60 minutes and maybe some ab crunches - that was my routine. It didn't make a huge difference but it was a start. It wasnt until after high school that I started to put good eating habits and working out together. I definitely went up and down with my weight for a solid 8 years. Let me just tell you first hand, it can be so frustrating. It can be exhausting and so challenging. It takes so much patience. I can’t even tell you how many hours I spent in front of the mirror picking myself apart. I’ve spent countless hours comparing myself to my friends and other girls. I’ve spent so many mornings trying to hide in my leggings and big sweat shirts. If you’re feeling the struggle, girl I’ve been there and you are not alone!

I started getting away from the gym after highschool. I realized that I didn't love working out there. I felt like I was always doing the same thing. I was afraid to ask how the machines worked. I also didn't want to share weights with strangers, because lets be honest do they really get clean?! So I quit the gym. Some time after, I started working as a hairdresser and during that time I discovered Tone It Up. Which is founded by Katrina Scott and Karena Dawn. I started doing their youtube videos and then went on to purchasing their dvds, workout programs, and nutritional programs. That was where my fitness and health journey truly began (along with reading books like Skinny Bitch and Kimberly Snyder's books).

Since then, I've tried running, pilates, yoga, yoga sculpt classes from Core Power Yoga, running, Beachbody On Demand, and the Sweat app. I've learned that I love to mix it up. I also have learned I don't love heavy weights but I love HIIT workouts the most. Some days I will stream workouts on my apple tv, other days I will write out a workout for myself, and other days I'll go to a yoga class. I workout from home almost everyday and I love it.

I've never been one to be intimidated by working out beside others, but it is nice to have a space to yourself. If you are feeling intimidated by a gym or maybe your having trouble figuring out what workout is right for you, or if you'd like to start an at home fitness routine check out these tips that have helped me:

-Try everything (running, dance, yoga, weights, cardio, hiit, etc.) Not only does this help widen your horizon and help to break plateaus, but it will help you discover what you like to do. Working out should be enjoyable!!
-You can purchase weights and gear at any store like Target, Dicks Sporting Goods, Amazon. They aren't expensive and they last a lifetime. Ps. amazon does an amazing deal on free weights on black friday!
-There are so many great fitness apps! Tone It Up and the Sweat app are two of my favorite apps. They have SO many different style workouts to try. They also are cheaper than most gym memberships and can be streamed from your phone.
-Start slow. If it's your first time, take it easy on yourself. You don't need to pick up the heavy weights right away, and it's okay if you don't have those last few reps in you just yet! One day you will!
-Set a goal for yourself. It can be weight loss goal, a strength goal, or a goal to try 3 different classes in a week. But make it doable.
-If you think you don't have time, YOU DO HAVE TIME. We spend hours a day scrolling through our phones. Schedule your workout and get it done.
-Be patient with yourself and listen to your body. It is great to push yourself, but don't be too hard on yourself. Progress takes patience. Results take work, determination, and patience!
-Get a yoga mat. Even if you don't plan on using it for yoga. I use mine for every leg and booty day. The minute I lay my yoga mat down in my living room, I know I am not putting it away until I complete my workout. It's apart of my routine.
-Set up a bomb playlist. Even making a workout playlist will get you ready to start working out. Also, listen to upbeat music before you workout, it will help get you pumped up to do the workout.
-Start by walking! Walking is great exercise and it is the perfect way to start off a fitness and health journey. Any movement is great for your overall health!
-Find an accountability partner. Find someone you can either take a class with, workout with, or just check in with on your fitness goals and challenges. There is strength in community so find someone to share your personal struggles and successes with.
-Just GO FOR IT! Buy a new workout outfit and take the class you've been wanting to try. It can be scary starting something new. But do it anyways.
-Lastly, remember that everyone starts from somewhere. Everyone has had a day one. So make today yours, and you'll be happy you did!

I hope any of these tips help. It took ALOT for me to overcome my body issues. I still have days where I wish my abs popped more and days I wish I had a perkier booty. I have days I pick myself apart. Its human nature. But being able to feel comfortable in my own skin, to feel confident, and to feel overall good and healthy is so important to me. If you have any tips you'd like to share I'd love to hear them in the comments below!



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