5 Things To Do This Spring


I’ve always had a thing for spring. When I was a kid, spring was my favorite season. I grew up in the Boston area and I just loved when spring would arrive. I loved going shopping with my Mom for a new spring wardrobe and I just loved when flowers and trees would bloom (I also really loved those rainy spring days where I got to wear my favorite rain coat). I still love spring, even though it is basically spring from October to April here in the Phoenix area. Living in the southwest has taught me to honor and explore the seasons in a different way than I am accustomed to, but I still hold onto the change and nostalgia of the four seasons.

Spring (no matter what part of the country you live in) is such a magical time. It is a time where things are brighter, you can be outdoors more and flowers and creativity begin to bloom. Below are some of my favorite activities and they are things that you can do this spring! Spring is a time to get out of your winter rut and these activities will help inspire you to do so!

  1. Start a mini garden or propagate a house plant.
    Planting is an activity that can be fun and therapeutic. My favorite ways are to grow an herb garden and propagate plants. This year I am going to try and grow basil and cilantro. Springtime is the best time to grow herbs. Even if you aren’t interested in the herbs themselves, it is a fun activity to watch them grow and they add bright color to the home. Spring is also a great time to propagate house plants (since warmer months are when house plants do most of their growing). I followed this video for learning to propagate. I love to propagate pothos plants and snake plants because they are so easy to propagate and I love watching them grow! There are also many vegetables that are easy to grow whether you are a seasoned gardener or someone who is just getting their hands dirty (see what I did there). Some of my favorite vegetables to grow are tomatoes, radish and bell peppers. These can be done in buckets on a patio or in your garden.

  2. Switch up your beauty routine.
    I don’t mean throwing away all of your old skin care and makeup products but this is a great time to check in with your routine and see if it needs to change with the new season. Springtime is when I lighten my makeup routine by switching from foundation to a tinted moisturizer. It is also a time where I begin to add cooling eye creams and serums. I don’t necessarily buy all new products, but I do like to toss any products that I don’t particularly love, don’t have a need for anymore, or any that are expired and then replace some with products I love and have a need for. It is a great way to spring clean your bathroom, but also a great way to refresh your routine.

  3. Get into a reading habit.
    Spring is a great time to learn about something new. I love going to the bookstore and discovering a book on a new idea or picking up a new novel that is based in the World War II era. Figure out what you are into and read about it. There are millions of books out there and there are books for literally EVERY subject. Right now I am alternating between self discovery books, murder mysteries/thrillers, books about ancient times, books based in World War II and health related books.

  4. Discover a new habit.
    This spring I am trying to get into the habit of waking up earlier. I LOVE to try out new habits. When you try out new habits it is important to remember that they are meant to be enjoyed and it is okay if they don’t stick. I love discovering and trying out a new habit like oil pulling or gua sha. It is a great way to break out of old habits and just play with something new. Sometimes they stick and sometimes they don’t but it is all about self discovery and having fun.

  5. Get creative.
    I LOVE getting creative. There are ways to get creative for every person. I love jewelry making, painting and DIY home decor. Getting creative doesn’t mean that you have to be an expert water colorist. You can get creative in the kitchen, rearrange your furniture, redecorate a space, create and design your own workout, create mood boards on Canva, etc. It is all about putting your imagination to use and coming up with your very own unique ideas.

I would love to hear some things that you are doing this spring! Let me know in the comments below!


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