A Guide To Staying Healthy And Sane(ish) Over The Holidays

The joyous holidays are upon us. How I love looking forward to all of the holiday shopping and baking. The most wonderful time of the year to go broke and wear oversized sweaters to cover all of the bloat.

But seriously, the holiday season truly is a magical time of year. But it can be stressful.  I have had many years of being overwhelmed by the holidays. Between all of the parties and shopping it can get exhausting.

I created this guide for anyone who wants to avoid burn out over the crazy beautiful season, all whilst treating yourself and staying healthy. Whether you are traveling over the holidays or staying home, you can get through the holidays with ease.

Staying Healthy and Fit:

Growing up as a strict vegetarian (since I was 13) it was truly difficult to attend parties. I would always go home from parties and events hungry. It took me some time to navigate eating during the holidays. Holiday parties usually mean alot of processed foods and alot of sugar. Did you know the average persons weight increases by .6% (about 1 pound) between Thanksgiving and New Years. It's honestly not as much as alot of people think. But that doesn't mean you should double up on those sweet treats. Even though you aren't gaining "weight", you are wreaking havoc on your overall health. I'm not saying to not treat yourself. I would never recommend anyone to deprive themselves of their favorite treats and meals. But I'm recommending that you think twice before you reach for that second slice of sugary pie. All of those processed foods and sugar (and too much alcohol) do a wonder of harm to your digestive system, your skin, and your liver. Heres what helps me stay glowing and feeling good:

Digestive enzymes and probiotics- The enzymes will help you digest food better, especially for the processed foods that are tough to digest. Probiotics will help keep your gut in check and will keep your immune system in check as well (which is a huge plus during the winter).
Stay active- Don't miss your workouts. I know life can get crazy this time of year, but make time even if it is only a 15 min hiit workout. Exercise will also help to ease any stress over the holidays.
Bring your favorite dish/dessert to your holiday parties- This way you know there is something healthy to reach for. It's also a kind gesture as a guest!
Hydrate!!- This is so important. Especially as it starts getting drier during the winter. I love adding fresh fruit in my water. I've once spent hours shopping at the mall without any water and I would leave feeling so depleted. Bring your water bottle with you everywhere you go! And if you are enjoying your wine it is essential that you hydrate before, during and after!
Stay away from the treats at the office!!- I know this one is hard. During the holidays there is always going to be treats around. But when you are treating yourself on the weekends at parties, it's important to eat lean, clean, and green during the week. It's not offensive to say no when you are offered to try something! Just make sure you turn down the gesture kindly. Try saying something like "Thank you, but I'm not really in the mood for that right now". Never try to make others feel bad by saying something like "I don't eat that kind of stuff".
Sleep!- I'm sure you've heard this one before. But getting enough sleep is vital. During the holidays with events and shopping, it can get crazy and it can lead to burn out. If you aren't getting enough sleep it can make it worse. Especially if you are enjoying a few cocktails you may not be getting the best quality sleep! Aim to get 6-8 hours of sleep and don’t consume alcohol at least 2 hours before bed time. 
Have a healthy snack before your party- We know that eating alot of unhealthy food will do harm to your skin, energy levels, and digestion. Don't go to a party hungry. This will help prevent you from over indulging.

Tips to Staying Stress Free:
Traveling over the holidays? I created a guide with tips and essentials for traveling (for flying/roadtrip)
Get outside- I know it might be freezing where you live. But this time of year we spend less time outside due to cooler temps. But take a few minutes each day to either walk or just stand and breathe in the fresh cool air. Taking this few minutes outside to yourself to just be can have many benefits. Just being outside and being present can be very calming and a huge stress reliever.
Make a list- Yes I do this every single year. I write down all of the names of each person I have to shop for and how much I am going to spend on each person. This helps to budget over the holiday season. I also add myself to the list and allow myself to buy something to treat myself! There are many apps that help to make this easy too. I use the app The Christmas List. If I don't do this I know I will over spend well over my budget. Also I don't have to worry about forgetting anyone too!
Hate shopping? Make it fun!- Go with a friend. It will make it a fun experience. It's also a good time to catch up. Friends are also great for ideas when you don't know what to buy. (Try carpooling too! Mall parking lots can be so hectic).
Look for sales- I tend to open my email but just scroll past most of the ones from my favorite stores. But during the holidays I check them to see if my favorite stores are offering any deals. Most likely they are!  And Black Friday isn’t just in stores anymore. Alot of stores offer deals online starting as early as Thanksgiving. So you can go to brunch with friends on Black Friday instead of being stuck in like at the mall. 
Plan your post shopping wind- down- I love to sign up for a yoga class, go to dinner with a friend, or plan a spa night after a day of shopping. Do something that will help you to destress after dealing with the crowds. It's also ideal to do something like mediation or exercising before your shopping day too!
Treat yourself- Whether it's a new fitness class, a new scarf, a new perfume, or a holiday cookie, don't deprive yourself. Deprivation can lead to unwanted stress. Allow yourself to enjoy the things you love.

The most important thing is to enjoy yourself. The holidays are meant to be enjoyed with friends and family. As stressful and overwhelming as it can get, enjoy it. Also it is so important to not forget to make time for you too! It may be the season of giving, but we shouldn't forget to give ourselves a little TLC. Make time for that self care and self love. 

I choose to stick to my health and wellness goals year round, but I know it's okay to treat myself. I'm not stressing over the scale or if I'm too bloated. When you are enjoying your favorite indulgences or wine, make sure you are doing it surrounded by friends and family in celebration.

I hope you all enjoy this one. I always look forward to your feed back. Let me know what you think in the comments below.



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