Sweet Potato Toast

Sweet potato toast is the perfect swap for regular toast. Unlike regular toast, it’s naturally gluten free, free of any additives and added sugars and it’s packed with so many beautifying nutrients like Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Sweet potato toast is also a perfect idea for meal prepped breakfasts. All you have to do it store the pre-cooked slices in the fridge or freezer and pop in the toaster to heat up when you’re ready to eat.

Makes 5 slices

1 sweet potato sliced (about 1/4-1/2 inch thick)
3 tsp of avocado oil
A few pinches of salt


Preheat oven to 410. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Coat the sweet potato slices with oil and salt. Add the slices to the baking sheet, each slice laying flat on the baking sheet. Then bake for 40 minutes, flipping halfway through. Remove from oven, let cool for 2-3 minutes then add your toppings.

Live Well By Kimmy’s Favorite TOppings

Nut butter and banana slices
Nut butter and strawberries
Nut butter and raspberries
Nut butter, banana and raspberries
Nut butter, banana and strawberries
Nut butter and honey
Nut butter, honey and strawberries
Nut butter, honey and banana
Nut butter and jam
Avocado, lemon, salt and hempseeds
Avocado, lemon, salt and tomato
Avocado, lemon, salt and herbs
Avocado, strawberries and agave nectar
Avocado, hot sauce/salsa and cilantro


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