Plant Based Breakfast Sandwich

I LOVE a good breakfast sandwich but unfortunately finding a plant based one without all of the highly processed ingredients is nearly impossible. This is why I create my own at home using simple but nourishing ingredients.

For this breakfast sandwich I used toasted gluten free bread however you could have this on whatever bread you choose, in a bowl with some black beans or on your favorite wrap.

Serves 1


1 tbsp olive or coconut oil

1/3 block of extra firm tofu (crumble into small pieces with hands)

A few pinches of salt

A pinch of freshly ground black pepper

A few dashes - 1/4 tsp turmeric

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1 tbsp nutritional yeast

A few dashes of paprika

A large leaf of kale chopped

Avocado sliced or mashed

Optional hot sauce

2 slices of toast

Directions: heat a pan over stove top on medium heat. Add the oil. Then add the rest of the ingredients leaving out the avocado. Cook for about 7-9 minutes or until it is cooked to your liking. Remove from heat. Add the avocado to a slice of toast and layer of the tofu scramble. Then add the optional hot sauce. Add the other slice of toast and enjoy!


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